Friday, November 05, 2021

French bishops recognise church 'responsibility' for child abuse

French bishops acknowledged that the church allowed abuses to become 'systemic' Valentine CHAPUIS AFP

Issued on: 05/11/2021 - 

Paris (AFP) – French bishops said on Friday they accepted that the Catholic church bore an "institutional responsibility" in the many thousands of child abuse cases documented in a shock report, an admission many abuse victims had been pushing for.

The Bishops Conference at its annual meeting also recognised that the church was guilty of allowing the abuses to become "systemic", conference president Eric de Moulins-Beaufort said, a month after the report detailed the abuse of 216,000 minors over seven decades.

"This responsibility implies a duty to provide justice and reparation," the archbishop said following a vote by the bishops.

On October 5, an independent commission examining abuses between 1950 and 2020, called them a "massive phenomenon" that had been covered up for decades by a "veil of silence".

The nearly 2,500-page report found that the "vast majority" of victims were pre-adolescent boys from a variety of social backgrounds.

De Moulins-Beaufort at the time expressed his "shame and horror" at the findings, while Pope Francis said he felt "great sorrow".

In March, the bishops had already announced that the church stood ready to "accept its responsibility by asking forgiveness for these crimes and these shortcomings".

But on Friday de Moulins-Beaufort said the church was now doing so "in a stronger, clearer and more categorical manner".

Although their annual meeting was not entirely dedicated to the response to the report, the 120 bishops from across France have devoted much of their ongoing week-long meeting to "the fight against violence and sexual aggression directed at minors".

Victims of abuse, and the authors of the report, had called on the bishops to admit that, beyond the guilt of individual attackers, the church itself had been at fault as an institution.

Abuse victims had been invited to join the meeting, but many declined, denouncing the decision to make the sexual abuse scandal just one of several topics -- rather than the sole issue on the agenda.

The bishops will spend the remainder of the conference, which ends Monday, examining the other proposals in the report "on this jointly accepted basis".

The commission notably recommended that the church accept civil and social responsibility for the abuses, separately from the individual responsibility of the abusers.

It also said that financial compensation should be calculated for each individual case according to the severity of abuses suffered, instead of making flat rate payments.

The money should be taken from the personal assets of the attackers or from the church, it said, recommending against any call for donations from the Catholic faithful.

© 2021 AFP


'No desire for truth' in Spain church over child sex abuse

Victim Fernando Garcia Salmones says abuse in the Spanish Church is 'shameful' 

Issued on: 05/11/2021 - 

Madrid (AFP) – Unlike in other countries where child sex scandals have forced the Catholic Church towards accountability, the Spanish church has avoided investigating alleged abuses by its clergy to the fury of victims.

In recent decades, thousands have spoken out about harrowing abuses by clergy across the United States, Europe, Australia and beyond, prompting Church probes in many nations seeking redress for the victims.

In France alone, a study commissioned by the French Catholic Church found last month its clergy had abused some 216,000 minors since 1950.

But in Spain, there are no official statistics on child sex abuse.

The Church says it has counted just 220 cases since 2001, and has ruled out "actively" investigating any such allegations.

"The case of the Church in Spain is... shameful," says Fernando Garcia Salmones, who was abused as a teenager at a school run by Roman Catholic priests in Madrid.

"They have no desire to know the truth," the 60-year-old tour guide told AFP, saying the abuse destroyed his life and left him feeling "dirty", "guilty" and "like a piece of shit".

Historically, Spain has always been a deeply-Catholic country, and some 55 percent of the population identifies as Roman Catholic, a religion deeply embedded in the country's culture.

The Church in Spain has not explained why it is refusing to hold a comprehensive investigation, saying only it has put in place protocols to manage allegations of abuses by its clergy.

No accountability

For Garcia Salmones, memories of abuse still haunt him today.

"I was studying at the Claretian School of Madrid, I was 14 and one day, the priest jumped on me and continued abusing me every day for practically a whole year," he said.

On one occasion, he was "abused by the priest and another person who came into the room", leading him to conclude that the school "knew what was happening and protected" his abuser.

He didn't speak about his ordeal until he was 40 but by then, the crime was too old to be investigated.

The priest he accused of abuse died in 2009 "without any kind of accountability".

After Garcia Salmones went public in 2018, he said the school moved to prevent any fresh abuses, with a management statement stressing its "zero tolerance" of any such conduct and commitment "to always investigate any inappropriate behaviour by its members".

But he says the first reaction of the Spanish Bishops' Conference (CEE) was to dismiss his account as "a bid to seek financial compensation".

'Stonewalling and denial'

The Bishops' Conference declined an interview with AFP.

In a written response, it said it had put in place "protocols for action where cases of abuse were identified and specific training for people working with young people and children".

It "was aware of 220 cases that had been investigated since 2001", and had set up offices for "child protection and abuse prevention" in its 70 dioceses where complaints could be filed.

Such offices could also "help victims" and "investigate, where possible, the circumstances under which (abuses) occurred".

According to the CEE's website, its 2010 action protocol outlined steps such as barring anyone accused of abuses from working with children.

In 2019, a committee presented a draft child protection decree, which remains unfinished.

But the Church has ruled out any exhaustive inquiry.

"We are not going to proactively engage in a comprehensive investigation of the matter," Monsignor Luis Arguello, the CEE's secretary general said in September.

The Church "gives the appearance of doing something but it's not," says Juan Cuatrecasas, head of victims' association Infancia Robada, or 'stolen childhood' in English.

"It is doing its homework very quickly and very badly," he says, pointing to a bigger picture of "stonewalling and denial".

'Damaging human rights'

Jesus Zudaire, who runs a victims' association in the northern Navarre region and was himself abused, says Spain could "easily" have a similar number of cases to France.

He highlights the power of the Church in Spanish society and its cosy arrangement with the decades-long dictatorship of Francisco Franco, which ended in 1975.

El Pais newspaper began investigating abuse allegations in 2018 and has since received details of 932 cases.

In not taking a proactive approach, the Church "is damaging human rights" and inflicting further harm on the victims, says campaigner Cuatrecasas, whose 24-year-old son was abused by a teacher at a Catholic school in Bilbao between 2008 and 2010.

The teacher was initially handed 11 years in jail but the Supreme Court reduced his sentence to two years, and as a first offender he spent no time behind bars.

Although the Church follows abuse prevention protocols in line with those laid out by the Vatican, victims' groups want the Spanish government to step in with legislation to prevent Church cover-ups.

Earlier this year, Spain's parliament approved a child protection law extending the statute of limitations for abuse cases, meaning survivors can report abuses for up to 15 years after they turn 35.

Previously, the clock started when they were 18.

Although victims wanted the legislation to be retroactive, they hailed the step as a positive first move.

© 2021 AFP

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