Monday, November 01, 2021

In one tweet, Elon Musk captures the everyday sexism faced by women in STEM

He doesn't see what's wrong.

Modern Leadership
The people and companies that are shaping ideas about how companies should be run.

By Ananya Bhattacharya
Tech reporter
Published November 1, 2021

The world’s richest man’s poor sense of humor is exposing how much of a boys’ club tech still is.

In an Oct. 29 tweet, Musk proposed opening a school called the Texas Institute of Technology and Science. In a thread, he added, “it will have epic merch, universally admired.” When someone earnestly suggested swapping “technology” and “science” so the latter came first (on the premise that “technological breakthroughs almost always follow scientific breakthroughs”), Musk shot back, “Nope, T is def first.”

Why? Because if you swapped the letters, the acronym would no longer be TITS.


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