Sunday, November 28, 2021

Korea to greenlight self-service hydrogen charging stations, replace coal with ammonia

By Kim Byung-wook
Published : Nov 26, 2021 

South Korea on Friday unveiled a pangovernmental hydrogen blueprint that laid out detailed plans to realize the nation’s hydrogen economy, from authorizing self-service hydrogen fueling stations to replacing coal with ammonia at power plants.

The blueprint aims to address the key weaknesses of Korea’s hydrogen ambition -- heavy reliance on foreign-made hydrogen, concerns over safety, lack of demand and price competitiveness in the hydrogen mobility sector and infrastructure, the government said.

One of the key takeaways is the review of self-service hydrogen filling stations. For safety concerns, hydrogen vehicles can only be refilled with the assistance of trained employees at the stations. As this drives up costs significantly, the government will launch a feasibility test of a self-service station next month and establish safety standards by next year.

Also, the government plans to improve the lifespan and driving range of hydrogen vehicles, which remain too short at the moment. The lifespan and driving range of a hydrogen truck stand at 250,000 kilometers and 400 kilometers, respectively.

The goal is to achieve the same performance of an internal combustion engine truck, which can run over 800,000 kilometers and 1,000 kilometers by 2030.

As for a hydrogen passenger car, the target is to reach over 300,000 kilometers by 2023. The driving range is already equivalent to 600 kilometers of an ICE car.

To drive up hydrogen demand, the government will order public power companies to use a fuel mix of 20 percent ammonia and 80 percent fossil fuel when generating electricity by 2030. The aim is to gradually upgrade coal plants and have them produce electricity with 100 percent ammonia by 2050.

Above all, Korea will build 40 overseas clean hydrogen production bases by 2050 to ensure a stable supply of translucent gas. In 2050, Korea’s hydrogen demand will spike to 27.9 million metric tons from the current 220,000 tons. The global production bases will allow Korea to source 60 percent of the 27.9 million tons on its own.

Clean hydrogen refers to blue or green hydrogen. Though colorless, hydrogen is given color descriptors depending on its feedstock and production method.

Blue hydrogen is extracted from natural gas and captures carbon emitted during the process. Green hydrogen is made by passing electricity generated by renewables through the water. Korea lacks a domestic source of natural gas and adequate natural conditions for renewable energy and therefore has to import most of its clean hydrogen.

As for infrastructure, the government will test whether existing underground natural gas pipelines can also be used to transport hydrogen. By upgrading gas and LPG stations, the government will increase the number of hydrogen stations to more than 2,000 by 2050 from the current 70.

Prime Minister Kim Boo-kyum, who announced the hydrogen blueprint, said that the plan will create accumulated economic effects of 1,319 trillion won ($1.1 trillion) and 567,000 jobs by 2050.

By Kim Byung-wook (

S. Korea aims to become first mover in hydrogen economy, shift 100% to clean hydrogen energy by 2050

While hydrogen itself produces zero emissions, some ways of making it can produce greenhouse gases. That's why South Korea plans to get 100 percent of its hydrogen energy from clean sources by 2050,... as part of its blueprint in becoming a first mover in the hydrogen economy. Kim Sung-min starts us off. By 2050,... South Korea aims for its hydrogen fuel energy to come from 100-percent "clean hydrogen energy." There are three main categories of hydrogen: gray, blue and green... depending on how they are made. Only green, which comes entirely from renewable energy... and blue produced from natural gas with carbon capture and storage... are considered clean hydrogen energy. Currently,... South Korea produces only gray hydrogen, made using fossil fuels like natural gas,... but in the coming three decades,... it will shift completely to clean hydrogen,... with 60 percent self sufficiency. This is only part of the country's hydrogen economy blueprint announced on Friday, as South Korea aims to become a first mover in the field. "The journey towards the hydrogen economy, which no one has been on yet, will be very challenging. To make such challenge a turning point for the country in becoming a leader,... the government has come up with the first basic plan in achieving a hydrogen economy. With the plan,... by 2050, around 33% of energy needs will be powered by hydrogen fuel, making it the biggest single source of energy in the country. More than 23 percent of energy generation will come from hydrogen by that period,... helping the country shift away from fossil fuels. The plan will make vehicles greener too. From ordinary cars to taxis and trucks to buses,... it will be possible to power some 5-point-3 million vehicles by hydrogen. The country aims to create facilities to support this expansion,... by placing some 2-thousand hydrogen fuel chargers across the country. Combined,... the government's hydrogen economy roadmap is expected to generate economic benefits worth some 1-point-1 trillion U.S. dollars,... and create more than 5-hundred-60-thousand jobs. Most importantly,... it will contribute to the nation's carbon neutral goal,... by reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 2-hundred-million tons. The government has also pledged to train more skilled personnel to push for this goal while cooperating with private firms.
Kim Sung-min, Arirang News.

Living With A Hydrogen Car (Toyota Mirai) Did NOT Go As Expected: Here's What Happened
Nov 26, 2021 The Fast Lane Car ( ) Check out our new spot to find ALL our content, from news to videos and our podcasts! Hydrogen cars offer a lot of great benefits, but what is it like to actually live with hydrogen on a daily basis? Tommy finds out by trying to refuel the 2021 Toyota Mirai...with unexpected results. In this video I try seeing what it would be like to live with a car powered entirely by hydrogen, the new Toyota Mirai!

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