Saturday, November 06, 2021

Newsmax Takes White House Reporter Off Air After Her Tweet About 'Lucifer' Vaccine

Mary Papenfuss
Thu, November 4, 2021,

(Photo: David Wall via Getty Images)

Conservative news operation Newsmax has taken White House reporter Emerald Robinson off the air while it reviews her tweets claiming that COVID-19 vaccines give recipients some kind of devil’s mark.

“Dear Christians: the vaccines contain a bioluminescent marker called LUCIFERASE so that you can be tracked. Read the last book of the New Testament to see how this ends,” read one of Robinson’s now-deleted tweets.

Robinson was apparently referring to the Book of Revelation in the Bible, which says that those who carry the mark of the devil “shall be tormented with fire and brimstone.” Some social media users have linked “luciferase” enzymes to Lucifer, the devil in Christian theology.

COVID vaccines do not contain any kind of “bioluminescent marker,” they don’t make anyone glow, nor has anyone established a link between the enzymes that have been used in testing coronavirus vaccines and eternal damnation.

Twitter removed Robinson’s tweet as a violation of its safety rules and briefly banned her, Newsweek reported.

Newsmax said in a statement that it is reviewing Robinson’s posts and that “Ms. Robinson will not be on air but continue with duties for the network” during that time.

On Wednesday, Newsmax’s chief content officer, Elliot Jacobson, told Mediaite that the news operation is a “strong proponent that Covid-19 vaccines are overarchingly safe and effective, while at the same time raising concerns that mandates infringe on personal liberty and privacy.”

He added that Newsmax has “seen no evidence” suggesting that “LUCIFERASE or LUCIFERIN are present in any vaccines or that they are used as any sort of bioluminescent marker.” Those claims have “never been reported on Newsmax,” Jacobson noted.

HuffPost could not reach Robinson for comment.

On Wednesday, Smartmatic voting systems filed a lawsuit against Newsmax and fellow fringe operation OANN, claiming that the networks “knowingly and deliberately disseminated a continuous stream of falsehoods” regarding the outcome of the 2020 election. Robinson is named in the suit against Newsmax.

Angel Heart | Best Scenes | Starring Mickey Rourke & Robert De Niro

Sep 15, 2021
Here are some of the best scenes from 1987 Thriller/mystery film, 'Angel Heart'. Starring Mickey Rourke and Robert De Niro.

'Angel Heart' tells the story of Harry Angel, who is a private detective contracted by Louis Cyphre to track down the iconic singer Johnny Favorite. However, everybody that Angel questions about Favorite seem to meet a tragic demise. Eventually, the trail leads Angel to New Orleans where he learns that Favorite had dabbled in the black arts. As Favorite's whereabouts and true identity become clear, Angel learns that being hired by Cyphre was not a random choice.

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