Saturday, December 18, 2021


Construction underway on Western Clean-Energy Sorting and Recycling Centre in Kincardine

Ground breaking at new OPG sorting facility in Kincardine. (left to right): Jason Wooland of OPG; Kincardine Councillor Dorne Fitzsimmons; James Lauritsen, Managing Direcotr of Laurentis Energy Partners; Dancor Construction VP Steve Rambajan; Pat O’Connor (representing MP Ben Lobb); and Kincardine Deputy Mayor Randy Roppel. Photo credit: OPG photo/John White

Dignitaries celebrated a ground-breaking ceremony Thursday for the Western Clean-Energy Sorting and Recycling (WCSR) centre in Kincardine.

The new facility will be built at the Bruce Energy Centre industrial park in Kincardine, in 2022.

Ontario Power Generation (OPG) will operate this facility, sorting and segregating low-level materials from OPG’s nuclear operations, in order to support the three Rs – reduce, reuse, recycle.

The project is a collaboration among OPG, Laurentis Energy Partners and Dancor Construction. When completed, the facility will be 42,000 square feet and employ 25 people

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