Thursday, December 16, 2021

FlyZero concept promises carbon-free flights

A concept aircraft unveiled by the Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI) could provide the blueprint for long-haul passenger flights using liquid hydrogen as fuel.
FlyZero midsize aircraft concept at airport (Image: ATI)

13th December 2021

According to ATI, up to 279 passengers could fly between London and San Francisco, USA direct or Auckland, New Zealand with one stop with the same speed and comfort as current aircraft.

Developed by a team collaborating on the FlyZero project, the concept shows the potential of green liquid hydrogen for air travel as it is a lightweight fuel with three times the energy of kerosene and sixty times the energy of batteries per kilogramme. Furthermore, no CO2 is produced when hydrogen is burned.

In a statement, FlyZero project director Chris Gear said: “At a time of global focus on tackling climate change our midsize concept sets out a truly revolutionary vision for the future of global air travel keeping families, businesses and nations connected without the carbon footprint.

“This new dawn for aviation brings with it real opportunities for the UK aerospace sector to secure market share, highly skilled jobs and inward investment while helping to meet the UK’s commitments to fight climate change.”

Through the development of concept aircraft FlyZero has identified the on-board technologies which, along with the infrastructure and ground equipment for refuelling, require rapid development to deliver zero-carbon emission flight. These advanced technologies include wings without fuel tanks (dry wings), hydrogen tanks, cryogenic fuel systems, fuel cells and electrical power systems and hydrogen gas turbines.

In early 2022, detailed findings from the FlyZero project will be published including three final aircraft concepts (regional, narrowbody and midsize), technology roadmaps, market and economic reports and a sustainability assessment.

“These designs could define the future of aerospace and aviation,” said Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng. “By working with industry, we are showing that truly carbon free flight could be possible, with hydrogen a front runner to replace conventional fossil fuels.

“Fuelling planes sustainably will enable the public to travel as we do now, but in a way that doesn’t damage the planet. It will not only help us to end our contribution to climate change, but also represents a huge industrial opportunity for the UK.”

ATI said that with a range of 5250NM, destinations including San Francisco (4664NM), Delhi (3642NM), Beijing (4414NM), Vancouver (4105NM), Mexico City (4815NM) and Rio De Janeiro (4983NM) are within reach from London. Destinations including Auckland (9911NM), Sydney (9188NM) and Honolulu (6289NM) are in reach with just one stop.

Powered by liquid hydrogen, the fuel is stored in cryogenic fuel tanks at around minus 250oC degrees Celsius in the aft fuselage and two smaller ‘cheek’ tanks along the forward fuselage, which will keep the aircraft balanced as the fuel burns off and eliminate the need for any additional aerodynamic structures.

The aircraft’s 54-metre wingspan will carry two turbofan engines powered by hydrogen combustion.

United takes next step toward commercial hydrogen flight

15th December 2021

US airline company United Airlines has taken an equity stake in UK based hydrogen-electric aviation specialist ZeroAvia.

The deal – part of United’s push to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 – makes it the largest airliner to invest in hydrogen-electric engines for regional aircraft.

Photo taken ahead of ZeroAvia’s maiden hydrogen electric flight in September 2020. Image: Zero Avia

United expects to buy up to 100 of the ZeroAvia’s ZA2000-RJ hydrogen-electric engines which could be retrofitted to existing aircraft as early as 2028. According to a company statement one potential use is on its CRJ-550, 50-seater aircraft.

Hydrogen-electric engines use electricity created by a chemical reaction in a fuel cell to power an electric motor instead of burning fossil fuel. Because no fuel is burned, there are no climate-harming emissions or carbon released into the atmosphere when the engines are operated.

The ZA2000-RJ is expected to be used in pairs as a new power source for existing regional aircraft. Under the agreement with United Airlines Ventures, United will pursue a conditional purchase agreement for 50 ZeroAvia ZA2000-RJ engines, with an option for 50 more, enough for up to 50 twin-engine aircraft which would be operated by United Express partners once they are fully developed and certified by regulators as soon as 2028.

“Hydrogen-electric engines are one of the most promising paths to zero-emission air travel for smaller aircraft, and this investment will keep United out in front on this important emerging technology,” said United CEO Scott Kirby.

Val Miftakhov, founder and CEO and of ZeroAvia said: ““This support by United, alongside our other forward-thinking partners, demonstrates the importance of hydrogen-electric propulsion in the future of sustainable flight. The United Express routes powered by hydrogen-electric aircraft will be enabling large numbers of passengers to take zero-emission flights well within this decade.”

ZeroAvia is accelerating development of its ZA2000 engine and will soon begin ground tests of its ZA600 in a 19-seat aircraft, with the aim of entering commercial service with this smaller engine by 2024. ZeroAvia’s roadmap calls for it to develop hydrogen-electric propulsion for progressively larger aircraft.

The company completed the world’s first hydrogen fuel cell powered flight of a commercial-grade aircraft in September 2020 from its R&D base at Cranfield airport in the UK.

In a separate development, ZeroAvia and De Havilland Aircraft of Canada Limited today (December 15 2021) announced that they have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding to develop a line-fit and retrofit program for De Havilland Canada’s aircraft using hydrogen-electric propulsion in new and in-service aircraft.

As part of the MOU, De Havilland Canada will be issued options to purchase 50 ZeroAvia hydrogen-electric engines. These options will be confirmed once a definitive agreement has been completed between De Havilland Canada and ZeroAvia.

As part of the program, ZeroAvia will develop a flight demonstrator, with De Havilland Canada’s support, using a Dash 8-400 aircraft to aid certification and showcase the operational and commercial potential of the 2MW+ powertrain (ZA2000) engine.

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