Saturday, December 11, 2021

Half of working women in Wisconsin are thinking about quitting, a new survey says

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Thu, December 9, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic, which has disrupted life for almost two years, has altered how people think about work and caused an economic downturn that disproportionately affected women. Now, half of working women in Wisconsin are thinking about quitting their jobs, according to a new survey.

"This points to a crisis that companies need to think about — half of the female employees in Wisconsin are considering quitting," said Kimberly Kane, president and CEO of Kane Communications Group. "This is not a problem to throw money at. This is a values issue."

There appears to be a sense that the women in the survey did not feel that their employer cared about them. About 25% of the women in the survey said they did not think that their employer cared about their mental health. Women who are mothers, in particular, indicated that they have difficulty balancing work and home life. The vast majority of women in the survey — 81% — said their job does not offer child care support. Nearly 70% of women in the survey said they have recently experienced some, very or extreme levels of stress.

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