Wednesday, December 08, 2021

Florida could be a world leader in fighting blue-green algae, task force members agree

Amy Bennett Williams, Fort Myers News-Press
Wed, December 8, 2021

With an eye to making Florida a leader in cyanobacteria response, the state’s Blue-Green Algae Task Force met Wednesday at Fort Pierce’s Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute.

The theme of the day was "Data Collection and Predictive Modeling." In plainer language, members focused on understanding algae research in order to forecast future blooms.

Before launching into a wide-ranging discussion, the five-scientist panel heard from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on how it uses satellite imagery to model blooms in freshwater bodies, a program several Western states are already using. Next, the South Florida Water Management District gave a rundown of how it collects data on harmful algae blooms.

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Created as part of a sweeping water quality executive order issued by Gov. Ron DeSantis shortly after he took office, the task force is headed by the Florida’s Chief Science Officer, Mark Rains, a University of South Florida professor who directs USF's School of Geosciences.

Members represent some of the state’s leading water scientists, including Florida Gulf Coast University Marine Sciences Professor Mike Parsons, who directs the Coastal Watershed Institute and Vester Field Station in Bonita Springs.

FGCU's Mike Parsons gets ready to talk about his algae toxin sampling research.

Harmful algae blooms can devastate natural systems and can cause short- and long-term health problems. Though they've been much in the news in Florida, following several seasons of blooms, they're a global plague.

Western lakes like Lake Tahoe as well as the Great Lakes struggle with them, as do waterbodies in China, Africa and Australia.

Task force members pointed out that though cross-institute collaboration already is happening informally, there needs to be more of it.

Parsons often speaks with other scientific colleagues nationally, including at Kentucky’s Bowling Green State University’s Oceans and Human Health Center. Scientists there research Lake Erie blooms in partnership with government officials and other academics, he said. “So we’re looking for ways to collaborate across projects (and) I think it would be a good idea to have some contact with the Great Lakes group – see what they’ve learned so far, see what are the hurdles, see what tools they find promising.

Given such discussions are already happening, and given Florida's expertise and experience, the state ought to step up, Rains said.

“A lot of these collaborations are kind of already in place, but nothing’s been formalized yet,” he said, “and I do believe Florida … can and should be the leader.”

Members discussed creating a working group or a holding a symposium to catalog what’s already known and what have proven to be effective remedies.

Evelyn Gaiser, executive director of the School of Environment, Arts and Society and professor of biology at Florida International University in Miami, thinks it would be a mistake to move forward without some international input as well.

Graphing the big picture has proven to be a challenge, Rains said. “Who’s in charge?” he asked. “I guess it’s me,” he answered with a laugh.

So before launching, Florida needs to have its own needs sorted out, he said, maybe with “a one- or two-day workshop ... Where is everybody? Where is the science right now? Who’s using what? What research direction is everyone going in, just to get a sense of what Florida is (doing) before we go out nationally or internationally and say we’re going to lead this.

"We have to have a good sense of ourself first.”

This article originally appeared on Fort Myers News-Press: Florida could be a world leader in fighting blue-green algae

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