Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Queen’s Brian May calls for protests against “the arrogance, the ignorance, the dishonesty” of Boris Johnson’s government, after contracting Covid-19

By Paul Brannigan ( Classic Rock ) published 2 days ago

Queen guitarist Brian May contracts Covid-19, implores others to get vaccinated, and urges protests against “the ineptitude” of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his government

(Image credit: Brian May Instagram)

Queen guitarist Brian May has contracted Covid-19, and called for protests against "the ineptitude, the arrogance, the ignorance, the deceptiveness, the dishonesty of this [UK] government led by Boris Johnson."

In a series of posts on Instagram after testing positive for the virus, May reveals that he believes he contracted Covid-19 after attending a friend’s birthday lunch on Saturday, December 11, with his wife, actress Anita Dobson: "We thought we were in a safe bubble… not so", he says.

The guitarist reveals that, despite he, Dobson, and fellow guests being "triple-jabbed", eight party attendees contracted Covid-19 within days, and he and his wife finally tested positive for the virus on December 14 after a series of Lateral Flow Tests showed negative results. The pair are now quarantining.

May urged those who have yet to be vaccinated to get vaccinated to "unite against this invader" - "It’s a nasty thing," he notes, "and it isn’t finished yet" - and shared his belief that anti-vaxxers protesting against the vaccine in the UK should instead direct their anger against the “the arrogance, the ignorance, the dishonesty” of Boris Johnson’s government.

"There are so many people in hospitals right now who weren't jabbed who are right on the line between life and death," he said. "And I can't emphasize to you enough, this is not the response that my body would have made on its own. It's making this response because I've had three Pfizer jabs. And I beg you and implore you to go and get jabbed if you're not already, 'cause you need the help. I lost one of my very best friends to COVID very early on; in six days, it killed him. It could have done me the last six days, but it didn't because of the jabs."

"I despair seeing these people protesting against the vaccine, protesting against their rights being violated 'cause they might have to wear a mask," he continues. "Jesus Christ, guys, our parents fought through wars and had their civil rights knocked away. All anyone is asking is for you to play your part to try and unite against this invader."

“By all means protest,” May says, “I'm the first person to support people’s rights to protest, but protest against stuff that you should be actually concerned with, protest against the ineptitude, the arrogance, the ignorance, the deceptiveness, [the] dishonesty of this [UK] government led by Boris Johnson...get real.”

Posting today, December 20, May revealed that he’s still suffering symptoms of Covid.

“Sorry - this stuff isn’t entertaining any more,” he writes, “but I figure at least I can report it as info that might help somebody out there to feel less apprehensive. I’m fundamentally OK. Just feeling a bit crap and frustrated at not being able to be out and about at this time of year. But I think we’re all feeling a bit of that - right ? And it’s so clear that the new Omicron variant is completely out of control in the UK. And probably in the whole world of humans.

"Cheers all, and good luck out there," the guitarist adds. "For the sake of everyone around you, keep the caution going - masks, social distance, common sense - and only go to a gathering in an enclosed space if you are really sure the risk is worth it. "

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