Friday, December 10, 2021


That's a wrap...

The legislative session wrapped up at 3:00 a.m. on Wednesday after the UCP government used closure to limit debate and ram through their anti-democratic Bill 81.

This bill creates new loopholes to allow their rich friends to donate even more, and includes provisions that will allow the purchase of party memberships for others, without their consent! You can't make this stuff up.

In this legislative session we learned that no one was in charge during the fourth wave of the pandemic. The Premier went on vacation and left no one in charge as cases skyrocketed in our most devastating wave. No action was taken and tens of thousands of surgeries were cancelled, yet no one in this government will take responsibility for the lack of leadership.

It was a session where the UCP was focused on anything but helping Albertans. They passed bad legislation to sell off affordable housing and when I rose to speak about my concerns with their approach to affordable housing and my concerns for our unhoused neighbours, especially during these cold winter months, what was the UCP's reaction to my comments? Laughter.

They cut funding for vulnerable Albertans trying to go to school and watered down workplace health and safety protections. And rather than support Albertans with the growing costs on families such as groceries, gas, tuition, utilities and so much more; they prioritized passing legislation to let insurance companies charge even higher fees.

I know we can do better. Albertans deserve better. As we prepare to head in to 2022, I commit to continue to fight for the issues that matter most to my constituents in Edmonton-Highlands-Norwood and to continue to work to defeat this harmful UCP government in the next election.

As this icy weather continues, please be safe, be kind and look out for each other.

On the same day the Senate passed a ban on conversion therapy, I asked the Premier, Finance Minister, and Education Minister if they support the ban. Not only did they not answer, the Health Minister actually said he’s “never heard of it being done in Alberta”. Unbelievable.
This is incredibly disrespectful to the countless survivors who’ve shared their stories and relived their trauma. To all of you, I’m sorry. And I’m so grateful to you for your courage.
The UCP might not be listening, but we are, and we will always support you and stand with you. ðŸ’œ
On the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, you'd expect the Minister responsible to answer questions about women’s shelters.
I guess I expected too much? Survivors and those impacted by violence deserve so much better.
Access to abortion and healthcare for 2SLGBTQ+ folks remain under threat with this government. While one UCP MLA claims that abortion isn’t up for debate, the two UCP MLAs behind her are on the record saying otherwise, and the look on one of their faces says a lot...

Thank you Edmonton Meals on Wheels for the warm welcome and for all you do in our community! It was lovely to deliver meals to folks in my riding this week.

They’re in need of volunteers and donations. Reach out if you’re able to help, friends! ❤️🥘

It’s about time. ❤️🌈

Alberta's Future - We want to hear from you

Alberta’s NDP is building a vision for an Alberta economy that works for everyone, not just the rich. We believe that our province can and will prosper again but to do so we need to build an economy for the future.

We want your input on our ideas. View our proposals and submit your own ideas online at:

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