Friday, December 31, 2021

Welsh squirrel bites 18 people before being captured

By Megan Hadley

A neighborhood in North Wales has been terrorized by a squirrel that bit up to 18 people. Photo by Bill Greenblatt/UPI | License Photo

Dec. 30 (UPI) -- A squirrel named Stripe attacked 18 people in North Wales before being trapped and handed to the RSPCA.

Some residents in the Welsh Village were too scared to leave their homes after being attacked by the rodent, which left bite marks and scratches, requiring a few people to get tetanus shots.

The rampage lasted about two days, and had folks running down the street.

Stripe also bit several cats and dogs.

"This squirrel came out of nowhere, jumped on to my arm and bit me on my hand before I even had chance to get it off -- it all happened so quick," one resident said in The Guardian.

"He had five or six of my neighbors. He had me when collecting my recycling bags. He jumped out from behind my green bin. It had me good and proper. I've got teeth marks on the top and bottom of my finger. It latched on and I had to shake it off," another neighbor told the news outlet.

According to the RSPCA, they had no choice but to put the animal down.

"We were incredibly sad to have to put this squirrel to sleep but were left with no choice due to changes in legislation in 2019 making it illegal to release grey squirrels back into the wild," one spokesperson said.


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