Sunday, December 19, 2021

Labour urged to vote down ‘draconian’ changes to crime bill

Call for opposition to counter ministers’ ‘cynical attempt to bypass parliamentary scrutiny’

Insulate Britain protesters outside Downing Street in November.
 Human rights activists describe amendments to the bill as ‘a dangerous power grab’. 
Photograph: Vuk Valcic/Sopa Images/Rex/Shutterstock

Damien Gayle
Sun 19 Dec 2021 

The Labour party has been urged to take advantage of a unique opportunity to vote down a raft of last-minute amendments to an already controversial crime bill, which human rights activists have described as “a dangerous power grab”.

The 18 pages of amendments to the police, crime, sentencing and courts bill were introduced by government peers in November, on the day nine members of the protest group Insulate Britain appeared in court charged with contempt.

Unlike the rest of the bill, however, where the lords can merely send amendments back to the Commons to be reconsidered, because the latest amendments were introduced in the House of Lords they will fall if peers vote against them.

But that can only happen if Labour agrees to oppose them, according to the Green party peer Jenny Jones. “If a rebellion by the Lords in defence of civil liberties has any chance of defeating these police state laws, then we need the Labour party to join those of us who plan to oppose the government,” Jones said.

“These draconian laws, that will make effective protests illegal, should be seen as part of the attack on our democracy designed to keep a corrupt government in power and minimise opposition. Ironically, it could be the government’s attempt to bypass parliamentary scrutiny by MPs, that enables the lords to defeat these 18 pages of new amendments.”

Among other powers, the new amendments will impose potential 51-week sentences for protesters who attach themselves to another person, to an object, or to land, or for protests that obstruct in any way major transport works from being carried out.

They also include an expansion of powers for stop and search without suspicion around protests, as well as “serious disruption prevention orders” that will allow authorities to ban named individuals from participating in demonstrations or even using the internet to encourage others to do so.

The Liberal Democrats, who have 84 members in the lords, have already vowed to oppose the bill. Brian Paddick, a former senior officer in the Metropolitan police, who has led the party’s opposition to the bill, said further stop and search powers would have a “chilling effect” on the right to protest.

“This is particularly true for minority communities, where the use of ‘suspicion-less’ stop and search sees black people 18 times more likely to be stopped than white people,” Paddick said. “If Labour and Conservative peers take a stand and join us then we can stop these reckless Conservative plans. I hope they will join us and stand up for effective policing and people’s rights.”

Human rights organisations joined the calls to oppose the changes. Mark Johnson, legal and policy officer at Big Brother Watch, said: “The government’s move to add Orwellian anti-protest amendments to the policing bill at this late stage is nothing short of a cynical attempt to bypass parliamentary scrutiny.

“Labour peers have an opportunity to stop these draconian proposals dead in their tracks. It is absolutely vital that all opposition parties vote against the government’s new amendments in order to protect our protest rights and those of future generations.”

Martha Spurrier, the director of Liberty, said: “It is the role of the House of Lords to act as a check on this type of power grab, to temper the most dangerous and authoritarian tendencies of the government of the day.

“All peers who value democracy must oppose these dangerous amendments – and while there is vocal opposition from across the house and from cross-party peers it’s vital that the opposition are clear and ensure this opportunity is taken to protect our fundamental rights.”

The Guardian has contacted the Labour party for comment.

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