Monday, December 06, 2021

We need to make a difference in climate change

Don Underwood, Springfield
Sun, December 5, 2021

Climate change is starting to feel personal. As I pass my 71st birthday, I’ve become much more concerned about the legacy I’m leaving to my three grandsons.

I find it difficult to imagine what the Ozarks will be like when my oldest grandson, now 11, reaches my age. What challenges will my youngest grandsons (both 5) be facing in their lives? The evidence is that our local, national and world climate is going to be worse for the boys and their families. My legacy is going to contribute to that future situation. And I feel that I’m failing them.

The Environmental Protection Agency predicts changes to Missouri in coming decades. These changes include more days of 95 degrees Fahrenheit and above, wetter springs with more flooding and drier summers. Missouri generations to come will see changes in our forests and reductions in crop production. They will suffer from longer allergy seasons, increased health risks from ozone pollution and heat stress on those most vulnerable in our population.

Of course, our families could consider migrating northward to find a more comfortable Ozarks-like environment that we enjoy today. Will they be competing with climate refugees from the sea coasts and Deep South for housing and jobs? Or will they stay here and endure the consequences for our continued use of fuels which cause heat-trapping carbon pollution?

It is past time for me to make and promote the necessary changes to deal with climate change. I know I can do some things that will make small changes. But I also believe “we” can make the big changes. We must come together. We can take the actions needed.

My thoughts turn to my parents, part of the “Greatest Generation.” That generation grew up in the Great Depression, fought and won World War II, and brought us through the Cold War. They didn’t shirk the challenges they faced. They stood up, hardened up, and did what was needed. And they knew it wasn’t just for themselves but for future generations, too. Their resolve is to be emulated.

Our decisions today make a difference. Some of our choices will be difficult. There will be expenses. Lifestyles will be changed. These things are disturbing. But what is most disturbing to me is that these changes will be forced on us. The evolving climate crisis will dictate our common future rather than us stepping up and dealing with the issue now. We can mitigate the impact to our climate if we take action now. We can be proud of our legacy rather than having future generations asking, “Why didn’t you do something while there was time?”

I don’t want my legacy to my grandsons to be one of apathy and failure. What legacy will we choose?

This article originally appeared on Springfield News-Leader: We need to make a difference in climate change

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