Thursday, January 13, 2022

Amid Labor Shortage, US Army Offers Largest Enlistment Bonus Ever

“This is an opportunity to entice folks to consider the Army,” a military official said

Tasos Katopodis | Getty Images News | 
Members of the U.S. National Guard arrive at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 12, 2021 in Washington, DC.

The U.S. Army is seeking to blunt the pandemic-fueled labor shortage rocking the country’s economy with its largest bonus ever — $50,000.

In a release Thursday, military recruiting officials said the incentive, for qualified recruits who sign up for certain career paths and agree to an active-duty six-year enlistment, is aimed at alluring the “same talent” that private companies are competing for.

“This is an opportunity to entice folks to consider the Army,” Brig. Gen. John Cushing said in a statement.

The announcement comes after millions of Americans — perhaps fearful of getting sick or unable to find child care — voluntarily quit their jobs last year. Many large and small companies responded with bonuses, raises and other enticements.

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