Thursday, January 06, 2022

B.C.'s public sector unions set to begin bargaining

Bhinder Sajan
Published Jan. 4, 2022


The Finance Ministry says the vast majority of the 186 collective agreements in B.C.'s public sector expire in March 2022 – including those of the teachers' and nurses' unions.

A previous three-year agreement saw two per cent wage increases in each year. With inflation now far beyond that, it’s unclear what impact that will have on negotiations.

According to the province, every one per cent increase in adds almost $400 million to the operating budget. About 385,000 public sector workers are unionized employees paid under collective agreements or professionals paid through negotiated compensation agreements.

Bargaining is done through employers' associations, with the province ultimately responsible.

In a statement, the ministry added, "While negotiations under the 2022 mandate have not yet begun, bargaining is always best left to the parties at the table. Government is looking forward to sharing when there are updates on tentative and ratified agreements over the coming months."

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