Friday, January 21, 2022

Mercenaries in Libya | Turkish-backed factions order Syrian fighters to pack up for returning to Syria
On Jan 19, 2022

Reliable sources have told SOHR that three Turkish-backed factions in Libya have ordered their fighters to pack up and get ready to leave Libya to Turkey in the incoming hours. According to SOHR sources, the command of Al-Hamza, Suleiman Shah and Sultan Murad Divisions informed nearly 150 militiamen that they would leave Libya on Thursday, after the Turkish government had agreed on allowing these fighters to have a rest in Syria.

On the other hand, SOHR sources have confirmed that a new batch of mercenaries left Syria to Turkey yesterday. However, the destination of this batch remained unknown. Also, SOHR sources confirmed that back-and-forth transfer operations of Syrian mercenaries from and to Libya will be resumed, after being suspended for weeks.

On December 15, reliable sources informed SOHR that the Turkish authorities gave orders suspending the leaves and back-and-forth transfer operations of Turkish-backed Syrian mercenaries from and to Syria in that time. The mercenaries in Libya were informed by their commanders that the leaves and back-and-forth transfer operations would be resumed after the end of the presidential election in Libya, schedule to be launched on December 24, 2021.

SOHR sources also confirmed that the Syrian fighters of the Turkish-backed “National Army” in Libya received their monthly salaries in the past few days.

It is worth noting that there are nearly 7,000 Turkish-backed Syrian mercenaries in Libya, operating under the banner of various factions of the “National Army”.

On the other hand, the Syrian mercenaries recruited by the Russian security company “Wagner” have been still maintained in the Libyan territory.

We, at the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), call for the evacuation of all Syrians who have been turned into mercenaries by the Turkish government and engaged in the Libyan conflict. We also demand the Turks and Russians stop using the Syrians and turning them into mercenaries serving their narrow interests.

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