Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Polish court dismisses charges against writer who called President Duda a 'moron'
By UPI Staff

Polish President Andrzej Duda speaks during a press conference. Charges against a writer who called Duda 'a moron' were dropped on Monday.
File Photo by Andrzej Lange/EPA

Jan. 11 (UPI) -- A Polish Charges dismissed charges against a well-known writer who called Poland's President Andrzej Duda a moron on social media.

Writer Jakub Zulczyk faced up to three years of prison for insulting Duda in a social media post, but a regional court in Warsaw dropped the charges on Monday and decided to discontinue the case.

Judges cited free speech rights and said a conviction could lead to preventing people from criticizing authority in the future.

Judge Tomasz Julian Grochowicz said public figures like the president were at a larger risk of public criticism and that Zulczyk didn't commit any crimes.

Zulczyk's comment was a response to Duda's reaction to U.S. President Joe Biden's electoral victory.

Duda tweeted that he would await the nomination by the Electoral College. People criticized the tweet, saying that Duda suggested the victory wasn't definitive.

In a Facebook post, Zulczyk said Biden clearly won the election and that Duda was "a moron."

Zulczyk said he was probably the first writer in the country to be tried for writing something insulting.

Poland had broad insult laws including offending religious views or the country's flag, but those in violation of those laws are usually handed fines or community service punishments.

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