Friday, January 28, 2022

Freedom Convoy plans to gridlock Ottawa until all vaccine mandates repealed
Up to 2,000 trucks are due on Saturday, but there will be events every day until the convoy receives an answer from the government

Author of the article:Rachel Parent
Publishing date:Jan 27, 2022 •
The Freedom Convoy 2022, which is expected to start rolling into Ottawa on Saturday, is not about COVID-19 vaccines, but about mandates, organizers say.

Thousands of vehicles could snarl Ottawa traffic for up to a week, with a convoy of truckers due to arrive as early as Friday — and some vowing to stay until they’ve successfully convinced the government to repeal all vaccine mandates.

The convoy was planned in response to a vaccine mandate that came into effect this month requiring unvaccinated Canadian truckers re-entering Canada from the United States to get tested for COVID-19 and quarantine. But the group is calling for all levels of Canadian government to stop the use of vaccine passports, waive fines linked to COVID-19 and reinstate employees who were fired for breaking COVID-19 rules.

“This is not about the vaccine, by the way. There’s nobody in here that’ll tell you it’s about vaccines on this entire convoy. We’ve got double jabbed, we’ve got single jabbed, we’ve got no jabbed, we’ve got the boosted,” said James Bauder, founder of the Canada Unity Foundation, one of the groups that is organizing the “Freedom Convoy 2022.”

We’ve got double jabbed, we’ve got single jabbed, we’ve got no jabbed, we’ve got the boosted
“It’s not about the vaccine. It’s about the mandate…. We’re done with mandates.”

While truckers from Ontario will arrive in Ottawa on Friday, the majority will arrive on Saturday, and that’s when the protest will begin in earnest, said Jason LaFlace, an organizer who previously planned events and protests for a group called No More Lockdowns.

“The first day is going to be the 29th. We’re just going to go on a roll. And that will be the starting point, to get ourselves set up. On the 31st, the Monday, that’s the first day of business for Ottawa and for us, us freedom fighters, and Canadians all across the country. And we’re expecting a huge amount,” LaFlace said.

The plan is to essentially gridlock the city, while leaving room for traffic to businesses and emergency vehicles to get through, LaFlace said.

Ontario protestors who will be converging in solidarity with a convoy of truckers expected to arrive in Ottawa this weekend (Monte Sonnenberg /Postmedia)

While an itinerary hasn’t been released to the public, LaFlace said organizers have arranged speakers — including politicians, truckers and Indigenous elders — and a stage will be set up in an undisclosed park on Monday. There will be events every day until the convoy receives an answer from the government.

A “memorandum of understanding,” posted on the Canada Unity website, says its coalition is opposed to restrictions and mandates related to COVID-19, rules it deems are “unconstitutional, discriminatory and segregating.”

The memorandum’s goal, it says, is to form a committee with the Senate and Governor General to override all levels of Canadian government, and if they refuse to join, the group says they should “resign their lawful positions of authority immediately.”

Speaking at a news conference Wednesday afternoon, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said there was a “small fringe minority who are on the way to Ottawa who are holding unacceptable views.”

“What we are hearing from some people associated with this convoy is completely unacceptable,” he added.

Transport Minister Omar Alghabra said he is “concerned about the small number of far-right, vocal opposition that is polluting much of our political debate.”

A spokeswoman for the Governor General said Rideau Hall was “keeping on top of the situation and waiting to see how things unfold.”

The Parliamentary Protection Service said in a statement it was aware of the protest and was closely monitoring the situation.

Ottawa police are communicating with the organizers and planning for the arrival of around 1,000 to 2,000 vehicles, police said Wednesday at a special meeting of the Ottawa Police Services Board. Ontario Provincial Police warned that the convoy could cause slowdowns on all highways across eastern Ontario beginning as soon as Thursday.

Ottawa police said that the Freedom Convoy had so far been peaceful and cooperative with police and city officials in other jurisdictions.

“We don’t have any risk information to suggest that people or business owners need to barricade themselves into their homes or businesses or that they need to close,” said Chief Peter Sloly.

But he warned that the protest could be accompanied by other elements, including counter-protests, which are harder to predict.

LaFlace and other organizers have emphasized that they are not planning violence.

We don't have any intent to create violence

“We’ve been hearing things like, ‘Oh, you’re a domestic terrorist,’” La Place said. “We don’t have any intent to create violence.”

Tamara Lich, who organized the GoFundMe campaign that has raised more than $5.5 million, said in a recent Facebook video that convoy participants should report anyone who is “misbehaving, acting aggressively in any way or inciting any type of violence or hatred,” to the police.

Tim Coderre, one of the organizers tasked with logistics, is working out of a school in Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., that Canada Unity is using as their headquarters. He said he doesn’t have a firm number on how many people will arrive in Ottawa, but reports from the road indicate that it’s a lot.

“All I’ve been hearing within the last couple hours is something in a range of 90 to 100 km of convoy. It seems awfully long to me and what I can tell you is that I’ve gotten call, call after call. It’s been nonstop,” Coderre said on Tuesday.
Truckers protesting a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for those crossing the Canada-U.S. border on the Trans-Canada Highway west of Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Videos posted to social media have shown kilometres-long lines of trucks and other vehicles filling up highways, with crowds of dozens of people waving flags and cheering the convoys on from roadsides and overpasses.

The convoy is scheduled to stay for a week in Ottawa, until Feb. 4, but Coderre says it depends on when or if they get an answer from the federal government.

“I can tell you that they’ve also vowed to, if need be, to stay for however long it takes for the mandates to be lifted,” said Coderre.

The Canadian Trucking Alliance has estimated that about 15 per cent of truckers — as many as 16,000 — are not fully vaccinated against COVID-19. It has strongly denounced any protests on public roadways, highways and bridges and has urged all truckers to get inoculated.

Chris Barber is a trucker from Saskatchewan and another organizer. He left for Ottawa on Jan. 24.

He said some of the truckers in the convoy are out of work, having lost their jobs because they can no longer cross the border, while others are taking time off to support the effort.

“It should be a personal choice whether they want to get vaccinated. If they haven’t done it already, they’re probably not going to do it,” Barber said.

“The narrative out there is that we’re a bunch of unvaccinated socialists and sort of separatists. I’m actually fully vaccinated. I have a passport with me right now, this allows me to do the things that the government says I can do. And that’s exactly what we’re fed up with. We shouldn’t have to have a vaccine passport.”

National Post, with additional reporting from The Canadian Press and Ottawa Citizen

O'Toole says he will meet with truckers, tells politicians to 'take the temperature down' over protest
Meanwhile, the. Commons' Sergeant-of-Arms warned of attempts to have the home addresses of MPs posted online and told MPs to go 'somewhere safe' if needed

Author of the article: Catherine Lévesque
Publishing date: Jan 27, 2022
“Everyone deserves to have their voice heard in a peaceful protest. That is a democratic right,” Conservative leader Erin O'Toole said Thursday. 

Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole says a truckers convoy heading to Ottawa is a symbol of the fatigue and division being felt in Canada and that he will meet with the truckers on Friday to hear their concerns.

And he appealed for all political parties to call for calm and let the protesters have their voice heard.

He said there were groups using the plight of truckers to bring “division and hatred.”

“And we need to call that out and stamp it out because it’s also depriving people’s ability to have their voice heard in Ottawa,” said O’Toole. “So I’m calling on everyone… regardless of how you feel about the pandemic, whether you’re Liberal, Conservative, NDP, let’s call for calm.

“Everyone deserves to have their voice heard in a peaceful protest. That is a democratic right. So let’s take the temperature down. And make sure we work together as Canadians in a time of crisis. Not against one another.”

He added, “The convoy itself is becoming a symbol of the fatigue and the division we’re seeing in this country. So tomorrow I will be meeting with truckers to hear their concerns, to talk about the proposals I brought three weeks ago to try and make sure we can keep grocery store shelves full, keep people working and work together.

How the truck convoy could wreak havoc on Ottawa streets

Ottawa police brace for ‘parallel groups’ when trucker convoy reaches Ottawa


“And I would ask Canadians that are frustrated by the convoy, or frustrated by people that may not yet be vaccinated, let’s work together as a country.

“We shouldn’t divide people over their personal health choices in a pandemic.”

O’Toole said he would only be meeting with truckers not with the protest organizers, and he “will try and do it outside of the Hill core so it can be done effectively.”

Meanwhile, the Sergeant-of-Arms of the House of Commons warned MPs to go “somewhere safe” if there is a protest outside their home or office. He said there had been attempts to have the home addresses of MPs posted online.

On Wednesday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau decried the “fringe” views among some of those who were supporting the trucker convoy.

“The small fringe minority of people who are on their way to Ottawa who are holding unacceptable views that they are expressing do not represent the views of Canadians who have been there for each other, who know of that following the science and stepping up to protect each other is the best way to continue to ensure our freedoms, our rights, our values, as a country,” Trudeau said.

Trudeau said Thursday he will isolate for five days after being exposed to COVID-19, although he has tested negative for the virus.


Elon Musk tweets in support of Canadian truckers ahead of 'Freedom Rally' protest

Musk also appears to show support for repealing COVID mandates in later tweets

Author of the article: 
National Post Staff
Publishing date :Jan 27, 2022 •

Judging by later tweets, Musk also seemed to support repealing of vaccine mandates.
Article content

Elon Musk tweeted in favour of Canadian truckers as a convoy heads to Ottawa to protest COVID regulations across the country.

The Tesla and SpaceX CEO was seemingly throwing his support behind the protesters in a tweet Thursday afternoon.

“Canadian truckers rule,” tweeted Musk, who was born to a Canadian mother. He holds citizenship with United States, Canada and South Africa.

A convoy of truckers and others opposed to public health restrictions is on its way from British Columbia to Parliament Hill for a “freedom rally” this weekend against mandatory vaccinations in Canada. Police in Ottawa have said they are planning for as many as 2,000 demonstrators.

The federal government ended truckers’ exemption to the vaccine mandate on Jan. 15, meaning Canadian truck drivers need to be fully vaccinated if they want to avoid a two-week quarantine when they cross into Canada from the United States.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has called the protesters a “small fringe minority who are on the way to Ottawa who are holding unacceptable views.”

In his later tweets, Musk appears to show support for repealing vaccine mandates. He sent a thumbs up emoji to a tweet alleging Denmark is planning to “stop all measures Jan. 31,” in reference to COVID vaccinations. In another he sent a supportive ‘100’ emoji to a doctor and fitness guru who wrote that he was in favour of COVID vaccines but not mandates requiring them.

Ottawa police Chief Peter Sloly told a police services board meeting Wednesday that officers had been in contact with protest leaders, whom he said have been co-operative and have shared their plans. However, concerns have also been raised that far-right extremist groups have attached themselves to the convoy and could spark violence.

While an itinerary hasn’t been released to the public, Jason LaFlace, an organizer who previously planned events and protests for a group called No More Lockdowns, said organizers have arranged speakers — including politicians, truckers and Indigenous elders — and a stage will be set up in an undisclosed park on Monday. There will be events every day until Ottawa exempts them again.

A “memorandum of understanding,” posted on the Canada Unity website, says its coalition is opposed to restrictions and mandates related to COVID-19, rules it deems are “unconstitutional, discriminatory and segregating.”

The memorandum says, it says, is to coordinate efforts to form a committee with the Senate and Governor General to override all levels of Canadian government, and if they refuse to join, the group says they should “resign their lawful positions of authority immediately.”

Donald Trump Jr. also took to social media Tuesday to endorse the Canadian truck convoy’s fight against “tyranny” and to urge Americans to follow suit.

The Canadian Trucking Alliance has estimated that about 15 per cent of truckers — as many as 16,000 — are not fully vaccinated against COVID-19. It has strongly denounced any protests on public roadways, highways and bridges and has urged all truckers to get inoculated.

A spokesperson for Musk could not immediately be reached for comment.

— With additional reporting by The Canadian Press and Rachel Parent

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