Sunday, January 30, 2022

Laos makes big meth bust as UN warns of security breakdown

FILE -Reporters view packages of methamphetamines on a table during a press conference at Narcotics Suppression Bureau Bangkok, Thailand, Monday, July 15, 2019. Police in the Southeast Asian nation of Laos have made their second huge seizure in three months of methamphetamine, a development that a U.N. expert on the illicit drug trade said Saturday, Jan. 29, 2022, reflects a breakdown of security in the region. (AP Photo, File) 

Sat, January 29, 2022, 5:05 AM·2 min read

BANGKOK (AP) — Police in Laos have made their second huge seizure in three months of methamphetamine, a development that a U.N. expert on the illicit drug trade said Saturday reflects a breakdown of security in Southeast Asia.

Jeremy Douglas, the regional representative for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, said the seizure of 36.5 million methamphetamine tablets in the northwestern province of Bokeo was the region’s second largest after 55.6 million meth pills were captured in October in the same province.

He warned that the Mekong River region, where the seizure took place, was experiencing a surge of drug production and trafficking that required strong efforts to get under control.

“Organized crime treat the Mekong region like a playground — it has all the elements they look for,” he said.

Lao Security Radio, a state broadcaster, said on its website that four residents of the province were arrested Wednesday in Huay Xai district in a raid that also captured 590 kilograms (1,300 pounds) of crystal meth — also known as ice — a minor amount of heroin and a pistol.

Bokeo borders on Myanmar and Thailand, a frontier area known as the Golden Triangle that's infamous for the production of illicit drugs. Heroin and the opium from which it is derived have been joined in recent decades by methamphetamine, mostly produced in Myanmar, especially its Shan state.

“Production in Shan is off the charts, and Laos is now a favored gateway for traffickers,” Douglas said in an email. Thailand is a major market for drugs from Myanmar, which are also shipped onward to other countries. Laos is a poor, sparsely inhabited landlocked country with a reputation for corruption that can facilitate smuggling.

Myanmar has been in turmoil since February last year, when the military seized power from the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi. It now faces an armed challenge from foes of military rule, disrupting normal law enforcement operations to suppress the drug trade. The situation is further complicated because drug production is often associated with armed ethnic minority groups involved in political struggles with the government and sometimes with each other.

“Drugs and conflict in Shan have been connected for decades. But as security has broken down, especially the last eight or nine months, we’ve seen an explosion of supply hitting the Mekong and Southeast Asia,” Douglas said. “Neighbors like Thailand and Laos have been flooded with meth in recent months.”

“There are no easy fixes given the governance situation in Shan,” he said.

If the region wants to start slowing drug flows out of the Triangle, Douglas said governments need to get a grip on chemical trafficking, secure borders and make it more difficult to launder money.


The Nationalist Chinese army, organized by the CIA to wage war against Communist China, became the opium baron of The Golden Triangle (parts of Burma, Thailand, and Laos), the world's largest source of opium and heroin. Air America, the CIA's principal proprietary airline, flew the drugs all over Southeast Asia.

Allegations of CIA drug trafficking - Wikipedia

Vietnam War, the CIA and the Golden Triangle Drug Trade — Vietnam War, the CIA and the Golden Triangle Drug Trade. The Vietnam War was a boon for the ...
This exposes the CIA's drug running out of the Golden Triangle during the Vietnam War, and also the Cocaine out of South America, and the Heroin out of ..

by PA Chouvy2013Cited by 28 — in Ban Houay Xay, Laos, the KMT – according to the CIA operative ... Golden Triangle‟s opium and heroin trafficking.
Dec 3, 1993 — Soon intelligence began to flow to Washington from the area, which became known as the Golden Triangle. So, too, did heroin, en route to ...
by AR Walker1991 — national", "The Producers" and "The Role of the CIA") covers precisely the same ... 1979): 38-40; M.C. Tun, "Letter from the Golden Triangle", ...
by AW McCoyCited by 848 — The Politics of HeroinCIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade, Afghanistan, ... retreated from China into what would soon be known as the Golden Triangle.
By 1972, the KMT controls 80 percent of the Golden Triangle's opium trade. 1950. The CIA launches Project Bluebird to determine whether certain drugs might ...
The “Golden Triangle” has the most abundance of opium and heroin in the world. In order to smuggle drugs, the CIA's main airline, Air America, flew drugs ...
Aug 28, 2019 — There are few places more infamous in Southeast Asia than the so-called Golden Triangle — a swath of rugged hills, abutting China, that run ...

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