Friday, January 14, 2022

US Congress should discuss Putin-Biden agreements instead of sanctions — Duma Speaker

According to Vyacheslav Volodin, "sanctions don’t scare anyone, they only destroy relations"

MOSCOW, January 14. /TASS/. US Congressmen should discuss and implement the agreements, achieved by Presidents Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin instead of threatening new sanctions against Russia, Russian State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin opined Friday.

"Two weeks ago, Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden had a phone call," Volodin said in his Telegram channel adding that "the leaders of Russia and the US agreed to have a serious and substantial dialogue on the mentioned issues in order to achieve real results."

"We all thought that common sense would prevail and Washington would make a sound decision. Instead, the US parliament is making hysterical statements about sanctions against our country," the speaker continued. "The presidents of our countries agreed to begin consultations on global security. In this regard, it is necessary to discuss and implements the presidents’ agreements instead of insulting, threatening and intimidating."

The politician proposed to think about the consequences.

"Your hysteria won’t lead to anything good. For the US, first and foremost," he believes. According to Volodin, "sanctions don’t scare anyone, they only destroy relations."

"There is an abyss ahead. It would be better to stop before it’s too late. Don’t invent problems for yourselves," he added.

The speaker underscored that, although Russia has weapons that no other state has, this advantage is not being used in the dialogue with NATO.

"Russian citizens see outbursts against President Vladimir Putin as an insult against our country," he noted, calling on US lawmakers to use the opportunity for negotiations.

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