Monday, January 03, 2022

Work on Rome’s water system uncovers ancient funerary complex

Rome, Jan 1 (EFE).- An archaeological survey ahead of the installation of new water pipes in Rome’s Appio-Latino district revealed remains of three structures belonging to a single funerary complex built 2,000 years ago, online daily RomaToday reported.

Daniela Porro, head of Italy’s Special Superintendence for archaeology, art and heritage in Rome, said that the discovery “sheds light on a very important context.”

The tombs were erected at some point between the first century BC and AD 100 along the Via Latina, one of the earliest Roman roads.

“Once again, Rome shows important traces of the past throughout its urban fabric,” Porro said in comments cited by RomaToday.

The structural integrity of the complex, which lies about 0.5 m below the level of the present-day street, had been compromised by construction carried out in the era prior to the advent of policies to protect the city’s heritage, according to the daily, which said that one of the tombs bore marks of fire damage.

Archaeologists found an intact ceramic funerary urn containing bone fragments. EFE


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