Friday, January 07, 2022

Rights group verifies Polish senator was hacked with spyware

 Polish Senator Krzysztof Brejza in Warsaw, on the night of parliamentary elections, Oct. 13, 2019. Amnesty International said Thursday Jan. 6, 2022, that its has independently confirmed that powerful spyware from the Israeli surveillance software maker NSO Group was used to hack Polish senator, Krzysztof Brejza, multiple times in 2019 when he was running the opposition’s election campaign to unseat the right-wing government. The senator, Krzysztof Brejza, and two other government critics, Roman Giertych and Ewa Wrzosek, were hacked with NSO’s Pegasus spyware. (AP Photo)

WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Amnesty International said Thursday it has independently confirmed that powerful spyware from the Israeli surveillance software maker NSO Group was used to hack a Polish senator multiple times in 2019 when he was running the opposition’s parliamentary election campaign.

The Associated Press reported last month that Citizen Lab, an internet watchdog group at the University of Toronto, found that the senator, Krzysztof Brejza, and two other Polish government critics were hacked with NSO’s Pegasus spyware.

Dozens of high-profile cases of Pegasus abuse have been uncovered since 2015, many by a global media consortium last year, with the NSO Group malware employed to eavesdrop on journalists, politicians, diplomats, lawyers and human rights activists from the Middle East to Mexico.

The Polish hacks are considered particularly egregious because they occurred not in a repressive autocracy but a European Union member state.

The revelations have rocked Poland, drawing comparisons to the 1970s Watergate scandal in the United States and eliciting calls for an investigation and accountability. Although neither Citizen Lab nor Amnesty International determined who was behind the hacks, the victims all blame Poland’s right-wing ruling party, Law and Justice.

Law and Justice leaders have denied knowledge of the hacks and at times mocked the reported findings while refusing to open an investigation.

NSO Group does not identify its customers but says it only sells Pegasus to governments to fight terrorism and other serious crimes. The spyware allows its operators to vacuum up everything from instant messages and contacts to photos and to turn microphones and cameras into real-time spy tools.

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has called the Citizen Lab-AP findings “fake news” and suggested a foreign intelligence service could have done the spying -- an idea dismissed by critics who say no other government would have any interest in the three Polish targets.

John-Scott Railton, a senior researcher at Citizen Lab, said that “if (Polish government leaders) really believe this could be the action of a foreign service, it would be the height of irresponsibility not to investigate.”

The senator’s mobile phone was hacked with Pegasus 33 times in 2019, mostly while Brejza ran the opposition’s campaign to unseat the Law and Justice-led government, Citizen Lab determined last month.

Text messages stolen from Brejza’s phone were doctored and aired by state-controlled TV as part of a smear campaign in the heat of the race, which the populist ruling party went on to narrowly win. Brejza has compared the actions to the tactics used in Russia against Kremlin critic and opposition leader Alexei Navalny.

Donncha O’ Cearbhaill, an expert with Amnesty International’s Security Lab, said he confirmed Citizen Lab’s finding after receiving raw backups of Brejza’s phone from the Canadian researchers. Amnesty uses independently developed tools and methods for its forensic analysis.

Brejza told the AP he thinks the real victims of the hacking are Polish voters who were “deceived” by Law and Justice and “deprived of the right to fair elections.”

The other two Polish targets confirmed by Citizen Lab were Roman Giertych, a lawyer who represents opposition politicians in a number of politically sensitive cases, and Ewa Wrzosek, an independent-minded prosecutor.

Wrzosek formally asked the District Prosecutor’s Office in Warsaw last month to investigate the hacking of her phone. The office refused, justifying its decision by saying that Wrzosek refused to hand over her phone.

She said she did not relinquish the phone because she doesn’t trust the prosecutor’s office and wanted to participate in the evaluation of the device. “This is my right according to the law,” Wrzosek told the AP.

In November, Israeli financial newspaper Calcalist reported that the country’s Defense Ministry had significantly cut the list of countries to which Israeli-produced spyware could be exported. The newspaper did not say that Poland was one of the nations removed from the list, but it was not among the approved countries noted in the report.

Hungary, another European Union member where NSO Group’s Pegasus is confirmed to have been used against non-criminals, also was not on the shortened list.

The Israeli Defense Ministry has said called the Calcalist report inaccurate, without elaborating.


Josef Federman in Jerusalem and Frank Bajak in Boston contributed to this report.


Polish leader admits country bought powerful Israeli spyware

WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Poland's most powerful politician has acknowledged that the country bought advanced spyware from the Israeli surveillance software maker NSO Group, but denied that it was being used to target his political opponents.
FILE - Ewa Wrzosek, a Polish prosecutor, stands outside her office holding her phone, in Warsaw, Poland, Dec. 16, 2021. Amnesty International said Thursday Jan. 6, 2022, that its has independently confirmed that powerful spyware from the Israeli surveillance software maker NSO Group was used to hack Polish senator, Krzysztof Brejza, multiple times in 2019 when he was running the opposition’s election campaign to unseat the right-wing government. The senator, Krzysztof Brejza, and two other government critics, Roman Giertych and Ewa Wrzosek, were hacked with NSO’s Pegasus spyware. (AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski, File)

Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the leader of Poland’s ruling conservative party, Law and Justice, said in an interview that the software, Pegasus, is now being used by secret services in many countries to combat crime and corruption. He noted that Pegasus represents a technological advancement over earlier monitoring systems, which did not allow the services to monitor encrypted messages.

“It would be bad if the Polish services did not have this type of tool,” Kaczynski said in an interview to be published in the Monday edition of the weekly “Sieci," excerpts of which were published Friday by the news portal.

The interview follows exclusive reports by The Associated Press that Citizen Lab, a cyber watchdog group at the University of Toronto, found that three Polish government critics were hacked with NSO’s Pegasus spyware.

On Thursday, Amnesty International independently verified the finding by Citizen Lab that Sen. Krzysztof Brejza had been hacked multiple times in 2019 when he was running the opposition’s parliamentary election campaign. Text messages stolen from Brejza’s phone were doctored and aired by state-controlled TV as part of a smear campaign in the heat of the race, which the populist ruling party went on to narrowly win.

Brejza now maintains that the election was not fair since the ruling party would have had access to his campaign's tactical thinking and plans.

The revelations have rocked Poland, drawing comparisons to the 1970s Watergate scandal in the United States and eliciting calls for an investigative commission in parliament.

Kaczynski said he sees no reason to set up such a commission, and he denied that the surveillance played any role in the outcome of the 2019 elections.

“There is nothing here, no fact, except the hysteria of the opposition. There is no Pegasus case, no surveillance,” Kaczynski said. “No Pegasus, no services, no secretly obtained information played any role in the 2019 election campaign. They lost because they lost. They shouldn’t look for such excuses today.”

The other two Polish targets confirmed by Citizen Lab were Roman Giertych, a lawyer who represents opposition politicians in a number of politically sensitive cases, and Ewa Wrzosek, an independent-minded prosecutor.

Kaczynski's allies had previously denied that Poland purchased and used Pegasus.

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki called the Citizen Lab-AP findings “fake news” and suggested a foreign intelligence service could have done the spying — an idea dismissed by critics who said no other government would have any interest in the three Polish targets.

Deputy Defense Minister Wojciech Skurkiewicz in late December said “the Pegasus system is not in the possession of the Polish services. It is not used to track or surveil anyone in our country."

Media reports say Poland purchased Pegasus in 2017, using money from the so-called Justice Fund, which is meant to help the victims of crimes and rehabilitate criminals. According to investigations by the TVN broadcaster and Gazeta Wyborcza daily, it is used by the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau, a special service created to combat corruption in public life that is under the political control of the ruling party.

“The public money was spent on an important public purpose, related to the fight against crime and the protection of citizens,” Kaczynski said.

Dozens of high-profile cases of Pegasus abuse have been uncovered since 2015, many by a global media consortium last year, with the NSO Group malware employed to eavesdrop on journalists, politicians, diplomats, lawyers and human rights activists from the Middle East to Mexico.

The Polish hacks are considered particularly egregious because they occurred not in a repressive autocracy but in a European Union member state.

Vanessa Gera, The Associated Press

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