Saturday, February 26, 2022

After uneducated remark about Native Americans, Kansas education commissioner must go

John Hanna/Associated Press file photo

The Kansas City Star Editorial Board
Thu, February 24, 2022, 10:50 AM·2 min read

Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly has called on Education Commissioner Randy Watson to resign over his horrifyingly insensitive remark about Native Americans at a recent conference.

Watson told conferees that when he was a kid, his cousins feared coming to Kansas because of tornadoes, according to a video released by state officials Thursday.

“I’d say, ‘Don’t worry about that,’“ Watson says. “’But you’ve got to worry about the Indians raiding the town at any time,’ and they really thought that, you know.”

Watson has reportedly apologized in private for the remark. Nevertheless, Kelly is right that he has to go.

“The state and the Kansas Board of Education must take issues of derogatory and discriminatory language seriously,” the governor said in a statement. “There is no question that Randy Watson must resign his position immediately.”

Watson’s service as the state’s chief education officer has been otherwise laudable, particularly given the pressure from lawmakers who want to destroy the public education model in the state. Like all public officials, he should be allowed to make the occasional rhetorical mistake.

But this mistake goes beyond that, and damages Watson’s credibility in a way that hurts the schools. When the elected Kansas State Board of Education meets Friday to discuss the issue, its members should make that point clear.

This isn’t a case of political correctness run amok. It’s the state’s responsibility to hold its executive officers to account for statements and actions that threaten quality schools for all. Watson’s statement fits into that category.

The state BOE can fire Watson if it wants, or discipline him in other ways, or take no position on his comments. We hope he will spare the members a difficult vote by stepping aside.

Discriminatory comments are always unacceptable, but they are disqualifying for a state official. Watson should quit.

Editor’s note: This editorial has been updated after the release of the video with a transcription of Watson’s remarks.

Kansas board rejects Randy Watson's resignation, suspends him over offensive comments

Andrew Bahl and Rafael Garcia, Topeka Capital-Journal
Fri, February 25, 2022

Kansas education commissioner Randy Watson submitted his letter of resignation after making offensive comments about Native Americans, State Board of Education chair Jim Porter announced Friday. The board rejected Watson's resignation and suspended him 30 days.

The Kansas State Board of Education unanimously rejected the resignation of commissioner Randy Watson, Kansas' highest ranking education official, and instead opted to suspend him for 30 days without pay as discipline for offensive remarks he made at a conference last week.

The dramatic twist of events came after Gov. Laura Kelly, tribal leaders and Native American legislators called on Watson to step down over the comments, in which Watson appeared to make derogatory remarks about Native Americans while telling a story about California cousins wanting to visit him in Kansas.

"They'd be like, 'Are we going to get killed by a tornado?' and I'd say, 'Don't worry about that,'" Watson said. "'But you've got to be worried about the Indians raiding the town at any time.' They really thought that. I guess growing up in California, you don't know much of the history of Kansas."

Randy Watson's total record considered in suspension

Jim Porter, chairman of the Kansas Board of Education, makes opening remarks during Friday's special meeting.

Watson wasn't present at the public portion of the meeting but Board Chair Jim Porter said he had submitted a letter of resignation.

Porter later said Watson met with the board in during the closed-door portion of the meeting Friday. A Kansas State Department of Education spokesperson declined to make him available for comment.

Board members considered the totality of Watson's record in electing to suspend him, Porter said.

"This particular incident was serious and needed to be addressed, but we didn't feel like it was career ending," Porter said. "We believe in restorative justice. We believe that it is absolutely critical that we use this as a learning and teaching opportunity. And we felt strong that we are better able to do that under his leadership."

More: Gov. Kelly calls on Kansas education commissioner Randy Watson to resign after ‘inappropriate’ remarks
Craig Neuenswander will fill in as interim education commissioner

Watson's suspension will start Monday. Craig Neuenswander, deputy commissioner for fiscal and administrative services, will serve as interim commissioner during his absence.

The comments occurred during a conference on virtual education last week. Porter called the notion the board dragged their feet in addressing the issue "balderdash."

"It cannot be done quickly but needs to be done with a proper and appropriate opportunity to process what has taken place," Board Member Jim McNiece, R-Wichita, told reporters.

In a terse statement at the opening of the meeting, Porter slammed the fact that Watson felt the need to resign after multiple members of the Kansas Legislature were arrested and allowed to remain in their position, though he added Watson shouldn't have made the remarks and the board is "not here to acute to excuse or justify this statement in any way."

Ahead of the meeting, board member Ann Mah, D-Topeka, had said she hoped “something positive” could come from the situation.

After the meeting, she harkened back to a presentation the state school board had heard from Schlagle High School in Kansas City USD 500. The school had implemented restorative justice practices, which focus on discipline through conversation and learning, rather than punishment.
Kansas education board member calls for restorative justice

“If there’s an opportunity to use restorative justice in a great way and learn from it, this was it,” she told The Capital-Journal. “I think it’s important we now use restorative justice practices to reach out to these people who were hurt and maybe think about a bigger policy change going forward.

“I know the folks across the street would very much like us to stop talking about racial justice and equity, but I think this brings to light that we still have a lot of work to do. We can be a leader, and we need Randy at the top to make it happen.”

Rep. Stephanie Byers, D-Wichita and one of three Native American legislators, called on the state board to back up its statement on learning from the situation. A good first step would be having the education board meet with the chairs of Kansas’ four federally recognized tribes, she said.
Native American legislator: suspension 'slap on the wrist'

Still, she added that Watson’s 30-day suspension was ultimately “a slap on the wrist” and an insult to the state’s Native American students.

“We understand we’re in a position where public education in Kansas is being attacked left and right, and having Dr. Watson step down adds fuel to that fire,” Byers said. “People want to make the excuse that he said it because he was a child.

“But if you substitute any other racial group, or any other ethnicity for Indians, should we still forget about it?. Because that’s what it’s like for Native Americans, when you’re getting erased over and over again.

“Dr. Watson has done tremendous good for the state, but his discretion on this was such that, can he still be trusted if he said something like this publicly?”

In a statement, Joseph "Zeke" Rupnick, chairman of the Prairie Band Pottawatomi Nation, said the board's decision "sent a clear message to Indigenous People that comments like this are completely acceptable."

"The Board should ensure that all students under their charge are protected, rather than protecting the privileged few whose derogatory comments perpetuate discriminatory behaviors," Rupnick said.

Gov. Laura Kelly wants to meet with Randy Watson, KSBE chair

Former and present school superintendents, board members and education officials gather before the start of Friday's Kansas Board of Education special meeting.

Porter criticized Kelly and said it "was not appropriate" for the governor to make a public statement on the matter.

"It seems ironic to me that Commissioner Watson, who owned and did take responsibility for his statement, which was not illegal, feels obligated or feels forced to resign by outside forces," Porter said during the meeting.

In a statement, Kelly's spokesperson, Lauren Fitzgerald, said the governor would be seeking a meeting with Porter and Watson "to discuss what has transpired and how to move forward now that the Board has acted."

In recent days, board members say they have been besieged by education officials from across the state, who urged them not to terminate Watson. Some descended on Topeka on Friday in a bid to show support and launched into a round of applause after the meeting was adjourned.

Steve Noble, superintendent at Seaman USD 345, one of a handful of people waiting for the board to come out of executive session, said he and other education leaders across the state were rallying for the commissioner and veteran educator.

“Everyone makes mistakes, and us as educators, perhaps we should know and understand that better than most because we’re in the learning environment,” Noble said.

Porter said the controversy was only serving to distract from concerns brought forward by Native students and officials in recent days and he committed to addressing the treatment of indigenous students and history in Kansas schools going forward.

"If we believe that Kansas is to lead the world in the success of each student, we need to assure that Kansas is a welcoming and safe place for each student regardless of their heritage or any other factor," Porter said. "We also need to stop the effort to deny their history because it might offend somebody."

The Kansas State Board of Education voted to go into executive session during Friday's special meeting before announcing commissioner Randy Watson's suspension.

There are more than 3,600 American Indian and Alaska Native students enrolled in Kansas schools, according to 2021-22 headcount data from KSDE.

In recent days, Native students, leaders and education officials have said the remarks are indicative of an education system that often overlooks their history, culture and tribal sovereignty.

"The Kansas State Board of Education has a responsibility to the Kansas State Department of Education's vision that 'Kansas leads the world in the success of each student,'" Nis Wilbur, a member of the Prairie Band Pottawatomi Nation and former KSDE employee, said in an email earlier this week. "In order to lead the world, each student, including all Indigenous students, must receive safe and supportive learning environments."

Watson has served as the state's top education official since 2014. Prior to his appointment to the position, he served as superintendent of McPherson Unified School District 418.

He has led the state education agency during its push to redesign Kansas K-12 education and boost the statewide graduation and post-secondary success rates, as well as in the past two years of COVID-19 learning in the state.

More: Kansas State Board of Education to meet Friday after ‘inappropriate’ remarks by education commissioner

While Noble condemned Watson’s comments as inappropriate, he said context matters. Especially at the tail end of national Public Schools Week, he called Watson "a champion to the cause of public education."

“It was a mistake," Noble said, "but it’s the career and the legacy of a great man who cares deeply about all kids in Kansas.”

Andrew Bahl is a senior statehouse reporter for the Topeka Capital-Journal. He can be reached at 

Rafael Garcia is an education reporter for the Topeka Capital-Journal. He can be reached at

This article originally appeared on Topeka Capital-Journal: Randy Watson suspended as Kansas education commissioner after remarks

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