Wednesday, February 02, 2022

Alberta NDP wins 2021 fundraising battle over UCP with more than $6M collected
NDP leader Rachel Notley on Oct 15, 2021
. (Source: Alberta NDP)

Sean Amato
CTV News Edmonton
Published Feb. 1, 2022

The Alberta New Democrats raked in the cash last year, collecting more than $6 million in donations in 2021. Their rivals, the governing UCP, raised just under $4 million.

The NDP raised more money than all other parties combined, including more than $2 million in the fourth quarter of 2021. The UCP raised $1.2 million during that time.

"There were 32,771 unique donations to Alberta’s NDP in the quarter, including 1,431 new donors. The average donation size was $63.80," party officials wrote in a celebratory news release.

“I am incredibly grateful to each and every Albertan who has trusted us with their support, especially those who are donating for the first time,” said NDP Leader Rachel Notley.

UCP outspends NDP in 2020, AMA tops third-party political ad spending: Elections Alberta

'These numbers are shocking': Alberta NDP doubles UCP in 2021 Q2 fundraising

Pro-life Alberta, a party that totalled just 60 votes in the last provincial election, ranked third ahead of the Alberta Party who collected nearly 172,000 votes in 2019.

The Wildrose Independence Party, which often polled third in Alberta in 2021, was fifth in dollars raised.

Only residents of Alberta can contribute directly to political parties, to a maximum of $4,243 each person, each year.

Corporations and unions are only permitted to donate to third party advertisers, Elections Alberta said.

The latest numbers, including details on who donated and how much, were available on Elections 
Alberta's website on Tuesday.

New Democrats – $6,151,163
United Conservatives – $3,796,905
Pro-life Alberta – $338,342
Alberta Party – $239,260
Wildrose Independence – $184,190
Liberals – $114,398
Green Party – $15,232
Independence Party – $7,633
Alberta Advantage – $1,190
Communist Party – $300

Opposition NDP bests UCP again in political fundraising, raking in $6 million in 2021

Author of the article: Lisa Johnson
Publishing date: Feb 01, 2022 • 

Leader Rachel Notley said she is grateful to everyone who donated to the Alberta NDP. PHOTO BY BRENDAN MILLER /Postmedia, file

Alberta’s NDP pulled in more cash than ever last year as it continued to out-fundraise the governing UCP, according to the latest numbers released Tuesday by Elections Alberta.

In 2021, the NDP raised about $6.2 million compared to the United Conservative’s $3.8 million.

The NDP said in a release the party’s “best-ever fundraising year” was fuelled by more than 1,400 new donors.

From Oct. 1 to the end of December, Rachel Notley’s New Democrats pulled in more than $2 million and have won the political fundraising contest in every quarter since inching past Premier Jason Kenney’s United Conservatives by only about $16,000 in 2020 .

The UCP made significant gains in the tail end of 2021, including collecting $1.2 million through its central party and constituency associations in the fourth quarter after starting the year by raising only $590,000 in the first quarter.

UCP communications director Dave Prisco said in a statement the party was happy to see a surge in online donations.

“But like everyone else, we miss the days when we could hold in-person events and can’t wait to get back to it,” Prisco wrote.

Notley said in the release she is grateful to everyone who donated to her party, especially those who did so for the first time.

“We’re going to continue to present a positive plan to help Alberta families get ahead and protect their access to the health care we all rely on,” said Notley.

NDP provincial secretary Brandon Stevens added the numbers show Albertans want leadership that’s focused on job creation, affordability, and protecting access to public health care — not MLAs focused on political party infighting.

Far behind the two most well-funded parties in the province, the Pro-Life Alberta Political Association raised $338,000, the Alberta Party $239,000 and the Wildrose Independence Party $184,000 in 2021.

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