Saturday, February 26, 2022

Ukrainian woman says Russian troops should carry seeds so flowers grow where they die

Sarah Sicard
Thu, February 24, 2022

As Russian troops continue to invade Ukraine in what President Vladimir Putin has called a “special military operation,” accounts of what is going on on the ground are beginning to surface.

With wailing air-raid sirens, families in Kharkiv sheltering in train stations, and lines forming at gas stations, the scene being painted is growing increasingly grim.

But one badass Ukrainian woman isn’t backing down, according to Ukraine World, a news organization run by Internews Ukraine.

According to a recording the news site obtained and shared to Twitter, the unidentified woman reportedly confronted Russian troops, asked why they were there, and suggested they place sunflower seeds in their pockets so that flowers may bloom where they fall on the soil of her country.

The video has been retweeted more than 5,000 times with viewers around the world lauding the Ukrainian woman for her bravery.

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