Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Disgraced former NYPD union boss charged with defrauding fellow officers

Brad Reed
February 23, 2022


Disgraced former NYPD's Sergeants Benevolent Association President Ed Mullins on Wednesday was criminally charged in a scheme to defraud his own union's members.

The United States Department of Justice has announced the Mullins is being charged with one count of wire fraud in connection with "a scheme to steal hundreds of thousands of dollars from the SBA, through the submission of fraudulent expense reports."

Specifically, the DOJ alleges that, over a four-year period starting in 2017, Mullins "defrauded the SBA by using his personal credit card to pay for meals at high-end restaurants and to purchase luxury personal items, among other things, and then submitting false and inflated expense reports to the SBA, seeking reimbursement for those bills as legitimate SBA expenditures when in fact they were not."

All together, the DOJ alleges that Mullins racked up bills for the SBA of over $1 million -- and it claims that the majority of it was "fraudulently obtained."

"As alleged, Edward Mullins, the former President of the SBA, abused his position of trust and authority to fund a lavish lifestyle that was paid for by the monthly dues of the thousands of hard-working Sergeants of the NYPD," said United States Attorney Damian Williams. "Mullins submitted hundreds of phony expense reports to further his scheme, stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from the SBA."

The FBI raided Mullins's home late last year, and he resigned from his position as SBA president shortly afterward.

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