Sunday, February 20, 2022

Five unpleasant encounters between convoy supporters and the Ottawa media caught on video

  • TVA's Raymond Filion was shoved to the ground during a live report.

With the Ottawa protests coming to a close, there will likely be far fewer encounters between national reporters and those who've been ocupying the national capital for 22 days.

And that might mean a whole lot less targeting of journalists in the future.

"Every news crew has been harassed repeatedly trying to work," CTV's Glen McGregor tweeted after journalist Raymond Filion was shoved to the ground during a live report.

McGregor's colleague, Annie Bergeron-Oliver, tweeted that she's been told to go home and hang herself.

One thing is clear—many of these vaccine-mandate opponents have no use for the mainstream media.

That's obvious in "The Media Is the Virus" protests that take place outside TV news stations every couple of weeks in many cities.

Below, you can see five examples of reporters trying to do their jobs under difficult circumstances in Ottawa.

1. Journalist Raymond Filion is pushed from behind while doing a live report.

2. Evan Solomon is harassed by a strange man. 

3. Global's Sean O'Shea is repeatedly interrupted while doing a live standup from the field.

4. Global's Sean O'Shea is lectured about media law by someone who doesn't know much about media law.

5. Convoy spokespeople shut down a news conference after being asked if any of the protesters have guns.

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