Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Top Trump donor Peter Thiel funds right-wing dating app after investing in Rumble
David Edwards
February 15, 2022

Gage Skidmore.

Peter Thiel, one of former President Donald Trump's top donors in 2016, is reportedly funding "The Right Stuff," a dating app that targets conservatives.

Axios revealed on Tuesday that Thiel had injected $1.5 million into the company creating the app, which is expected to launch this summer.

Trump political aide John McEntee was said to be behind the app.

"We’re excited to launch The Right Stuff dating app this summer. Conservatives deserve an easy way to connect," he said.

The New York Times reported on Monday that Thiel has invested in Rumble, a conservative alternative to YouTube.

"Conservatives have been aggressively building their own apps, phones, cryptocurrencies and publishing houses in an attempt to circumvent what they see as an increasingly liberal internet and media ecosystem," Axios noted.

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