Thursday, February 24, 2022

Elon Musk dismissed claims that Tesla's German Gigafactory will suck up too much water, but experts say there's not enough to go around

Kate Duffy
Tue, February 22, 2022

Tesla CEO Elon Musk talks to the press as he arrives at the construction site of the new Tesla Gigafactory near Berlin
.Maja Hitij/Getty Images

Location of Tesla's German Gigafactory has experienced droughts due to climate change, Bloomberg reported.

Experts told Bloomberg there won't be enough water in the area when Tesla scales up its factory.

It comes after Elon Musk laughed at water supply concerns in August, saying it was "everywhere."

Elon Musk last year laughed at suggestions that Tesla's new factory in Germany would take too much water from local supply, but a continued decline in water levels could now delay the plant's development, Bloomberg reported.

Groundwater levels in the Brandenburg area have been dropping for the past three decades because of climate change, and the region has experienced droughts in each of the last four years, Bloomberg reported. That means there wouldn't be enough water for residents when Tesla scales up its factory, experts and local authorities told the newswire.

Environmental activists, including local environmental group GrĂ¼ne Liga, have argued that Tesla's German Gigafactory could threaten the area's surroundings, in particular the drinking water.

They are now taking Brandenburg's environment office to court, with a first hearing set for March 4, claiming that the effects of climate change were not considered when authorities gave the green light for a groundwater pump for Tesla's Gigafactory, Bloomberg reported.

The legal action could result in further delays to the factory, per Bloomberg.

Tesla started building the facility near Berlin in early 2020. It was supposed to open on July 1 but has been set back following challenges by environmental activists, permit delays and a lizard problem. The company eventually plans to churn out 500,000 cars at the site.

"This region has so much water, look around you," Musk said in reply to a question about the water supply during his visit to the Gigafactory in August, Reuters reported. "It's like water everywhere here. Does this seem like a desert to you?" he laughed, per Reuters.

Joerg Steinbach, Brandenburg's economy minister, told Bloomberg that "the current water supply is sufficient for the first stage of the factory" but when Tesla expands the factory, the area will need more water. Authorities in Brandenburg are supporting efforts to drill for more water locally and supply could be brought in from other areas if needed, Steinbach was reported as saying.

Tesla's proposed factory would exacerbate the problem of low groundwater levels, Irina Engelhardt, head of the hydrogeology department at Berlin's Technical University, told Bloomberg, adding that "there might not be enough water for everyone."

Axel Bronstert, hydrology professor at the University of Potsdam, told Bloomberg that the amount of water consumed in the region would double because of the factory and described the water supply issue as "serious."

Insider has reached out to Tesla and Brandenburg's environment ministry for comment. Neither the company nor the ministry replied to Bloomberg's requests for comments.

Tesla faces day of reckoning on water 
supply for planned German plant

 The entrance to the construction site of the future Tesla Gigafactory in Gruenheide

Wed, February 23, 2022
By Victoria Waldersee

BERLIN (Reuters) - Tesla may lose the water supply contract for its long-delayed German plant if environmental groups win a court case challenging a licence granted to its water supplier at a hearing next week.

The Frankfurt Oder administrative court will hear on March 4 a complaint filed by local groups claiming the Brandenburg environmental ministry carried out insufficient checks before granting the licence to the Wasserverband Strausberg-Erkner (WSE) utility.

If the groups win, WSE said it must cancel its contract with Tesla, and negotiations will begin again on where the plant could source its water – likely a lengthy process with no guaranteed solution.

A spokesperson for the court said a decision was expected the day of the hearing. Tesla declined to comment on the case.

A further delay would put another spanner in the works for the facility just as a broader approval process reaches its final stages.

Elon Musk had hoped to have the plant - key to his ambitions to conquer the European market where Volkswagen currently holds the upper hand with a 25% share of electric vehicle sales to Tesla's 13% - up and running six months ago.

Following delays, he said in October last year that he hoped to have it operational by December. The company has not further updated its timetable for the launch.

The groups bringing the complaint, Gruene Liga and Nabu, fear the 1.4 million cubic metres of water a year Tesla needs for the plant – akin to the usage of a 30,000-person town – will drain the region of drinking water.

Municipally-run WSE has itself flagged concerns over water supply.

While the Tesla plant does not use a particularly large quantity of water – others such as BASF's battery plant a few hours away use more - the region's reserves are finite, WSE spokesperson Sandra Ponetsky said.

"We are a relatively water-rich country," she said. "But we need help from other regions… Which supplier has the capacity to just magic that much water out of a hat in such a short time period?"


The dispute adds to a list of challenges faced by Tesla in recent months, from recalls in China and the United States to scrutiny by U.S. regulators of everything from Musk's social media posts to accusations of discrimination towards workers.

The U.S. automaker reported record vehicle deliveries in the last quarter of 2021, but CFO Zach Kirkhorn said last month that ramping up both the Berlin and Austin plants was needed to make up for production lost earlier last year to supply chain and logistics issues.

"We've intentionally set these factories in locations in which they have a quite significant amount of land and ability to expand," he said a few months prior in October.

But WSE has made clear that even if the court allows it to extract the water for Tesla's first stage of production, servicing any future expansion to the plant will be impossible without importing water from other regions.

"We knew we were reaching our limits - but we predicted we'd get there in 2050," Ponetsky said. "Through Tesla we were catapulted forward 30 years."

Elon Musk has expressed his irritation at Germany's complex bureaucracy on multiple occasions, arguing it is at odds with the urgency needed to fight climate change.

But activists in Brandenburg have raised numerous red flags against Musk's factory on environmental grounds, expressing concern about everything from the trees cleared for the plant to an endangered snake species on the site – and now, water.

"The local populace here has been told for years to reduce its water use. Then the richest man in the world comes along and gets everything laid out at his feet," Manuela Hoyer, Gruenheide resident and leader of a citizen's initiative opposing the plant, said. "There's something wrong with the system."

The local environmental ministry in Brandenburg maintains there is enough water to service the region and the Tesla plant.

"The local government does not see drinking water for the 170,000 people in the region as threatened," regional environment minister Axel Vogel said in local parliament in January.

The court case is separate to the wider licensing process Tesla is currently undergoing for the plant.

The ministry is in the final stages of approving Tesla's 13,500-page application to begin commercial production, but will still take "some time", a spokesperson said.

"Even if it is positive, the decision will have a three-digit number of pages, and not in the lower end, with many conditions and requirements," the spokesperson said.

(Reporting by Victoria Waldersee; Additional reporting by Nadine Schimroszik; Editing by Jan Harvey)

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