Sunday, February 27, 2022

'Attempt to interfere:' Former Alberta justice minister officially removed from post

"I would be surprised if, with a finding like this, any other cabinet minister in Canada would be kept in cabinet.”

Fri., February 25, 2022

EDMONTON — Suspended Alberta justice minister Kaycee Madu was moved to another cabinet post Friday following a report that concluded he tried to interfere in the administration of justice over a traffic ticket.

Premier Jason Kenney, in a news release, announced that Madu takes over as labour minister from Tyler Shandro, and Shandro becomes the new justice minister.

“Given (the report’s) findings, and the unique role of the office of the minister of justice and solicitor general, I have concluded that it would be appropriate for minister Madu to step aside from that position,” Kenney wrote.

The report was requested by Kenney and carried out by retired Court of Queen's Bench justice Adele Kent.

Her report concluded that Madu tried to interfere in the administration of justice, but was unsuccessful.

Madu was given the ticket on March 10, 2021.

He was pulled over by Edmonton police and charged with distracted driving for looking at his cellphone behind the wheel.

Madu, who is a lawyer, has acknowledged that he called Edmonton police Chief Dale McFee shortly after getting the ticket, but said it was not to get it overturned.

He said he wanted to be assured that he was not being singled out for enforcement because he is Black or a cabinet minister.

Madu later paid the $300 ticket.

He could not be immediately reached for comment Friday.

The story came to light last month in media reports. Kenney said at the time that he had no prior knowledge of Madu’s call to the police chief, and he suspended Madu from his justice duties pending Kent’s report.

Kent, in the report, said that regardless of Madu’s motives, the expectations are clear for those who wield power and influence.

“Did Minister Madu attempt to interfere with the administration of justice? He did,” wrote Kent.

“In Canada, the rule of law is the foundation for how society operates,” she added. “Canadians understand that principle to mean that everyone is treated the same.

“In the case of a traffic stop, there is a process to deal with traffic tickets and with any concerns about police behaviour. Phoning the chief of police directly is not an option nor is it appropriate.”

Opposition NDP Leader Rachel Notley said seeking to interfere with justice must be a firing offence for a cabinet minister.

“For Jason Kenney to allow (Madu) to stroll down the hall into another ministry and continue to sit as part of the province’s executive council is unforgivable," said Notley.

“This is utter contempt for the rule of law.”

Political scientist Lori Williams called the report striking.

"(Kent) concluded that there's a reasonable perception that Mr. Madu interfered with the administration of justice, which one would think would be grounds for removing him from cabinet.

"I would be surprised if, with a finding like this, any other cabinet minister in Canada would be kept in cabinet.”

Williams, with Mount Royal University in Calgary, added, “This wasn't the only choice available to the premier.

"It's hard to imagine this could look much worse."

Kent interviewed McFee, Madu and the officer who issued the ticket.

The officer said in the report that he was conducting speed and traffic enforcement in an unmarked vehicle when Madu drove by in a blue Ford F150 pickup truck. Madu was within the speed limit, but had one hand on the wheel and was staring at a cellphone with the other.

The officer pulled Madu over. He said Madu insisted he wasn’t on his phone and was “moderately argumentative."

“(Madu) then asked whether the constable knew who he was,” wrote Kent.

“He said he was the minister of justice three or four times during the discussion at the window.”

The officer added that Madu told him “he could not be guilty because he is the minister of justice and would not break the law.”

Madu said he mentioned his justice title once and it was after the ticket was issued.

The report said that within the hour Madu was on the phone to McFee, who was on vacation, to ascertain if he was being singled out because of his race or job title.

McFee said Madu wasn’t being racially profiled, and Kent said she found no evidence to prove otherwise.

All agreed that Madu never asked for the ticket to be cancelled or not issued.

Shandro becomes Alberta’s fourth justice minister in the three years since the United Conservative Party was elected. Sonya Savage, who took over for Madu while he was suspended, continues as energy minister.

Shandro, also a lawyer, faces an upcoming Law Society of Alberta hearing to determine if he breached code of conduct rules.

It's alleged Shandro went to the home of a member of the public and behaved inappropriately, that he used his position as minister of health to obtain personal cellphone numbers, and that he responded to an email from a member of the public by threatening to refer that person to the authorities.

— With files from Alanna Smith in Calgary

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Feb. 25, 2022.

Dean Bennett, The Canadian Press

Kenney defends Madu's cabinet appointment despite findings in report on phone call over traffic ticket

Lauren Boothby 

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney on Saturday defended appointing Kaycee Madu to a new cabinet position despite an investigation and controversy over his phone call to Edmonton’s police chief over a traffic ticket.
© Greg Southam/Postmedia Premier Jason Kenney with then Justice Minister Kaycee Madu.

Retired Court of Queen’s Bench justice Adèle Kent’s report, released Friday, states Madu tried to interfere with the administration of justice but was not successful when he was justice minister.

“The very fact that the purpose of the call was to obtain assurance that the police were acting properly rather than going through appropriate channels is an attempt to interfere with the administration of justice.” Kent also wrote that Madu’s actions created a reasonable perception that he interfered in the administration of justice.

Madu was appointed minister of labour and immigration on Friday.

Kenney, when asked Saturday if it’s acceptable for a cabinet minister to interfere in this way, denied the report concluded that interference occurred.

“The report from former justice Kent concluded that minister Madu did not interfere in the administration of justice but it did conclude that a reasonable person could have the perception of interference,” Kenney said at an unrelated news conference on Saturday.

His comment drew a reaction from the Opposition NDP, who accused the premier in a Saturday news release of “shamelessly” lying to Albertans.

“Albertans can’t trust the UCP because Jason Kenney lies about everything,” Irfan Sabir, NDP critic for justice, said.

“It is also a grave insult to the integrity of justice Kent for the premier to mislead Albertans about the contents of her report.”

Sabir said Madu abused his office and should be fired.

“It’s completely unacceptable that this kind of egregious behaviour brings absolutely no consequences in the UCP,” he said. “Kenney must eject Madu from cabinet and apologize to justice Kent for his dishonesty.”

Madu was removed from his duties as justice minister and solicitor general following media reports that he called Edmonton’s police chief after receiving a distracted driving ticket. The government then launched an independent investigation led by Kent.

Kenney said his takeaway from Kent’s report is that Madu didn’t call McFee to get a reversal on a ticket but to speak about issues of racial profiling.

However, the premier acknowledged Madu’s actions were improper.

“There is a particularly unique role of the minister of justice and solicitor general, and minister Madu ought not to have made the call. This was not the appropriate way to raise those concerns, and that is why I asked him to take on new responsibilities,” he said. “I believe Kaycee will do a fantastic job as minister of labour and immigration.”

Former health minister Tyler Shandro was moved from being minister of labour and immigration to become minister of justice and solicitor general last Friday. The Law Society of Alberta is preparing to hold a hearing into Shandro’s conduct as health minister following three complaints that he broke the society’s code of conduct.

– With files from Lisa Johnson

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