Tuesday, February 08, 2022

New Zealand convoy protesters vow to stay 'as long as it takes'

The protest began as a copycat of a "Freedom Convoy" action by Canadian truckers

New Zealand anti-vaccine mandate protesters faced off with police outside parliament Wednesday, as demonstrators camped inside the Wellington legislature's grounds vowed to stay "as long as it takes".

The protest, which began Tuesday as a copycat of a "Freedom Convoy" action by Canadian truckers, turned tense as about 100 police stood guard on the steps of parliament.

Three were arrested after trying to breach the police line as supporters chanted "let them through" but officials said the event remained largely peaceful.

Aucklander Sel Currie said he had no plans to leave the capital.

A "Freedom Convoy" of truckers has gridlocked the Canadian capital Ottawa since late last month, prompting city authorities to declare a state of emergency.

Proof of vaccination must also be shown to enter restaurants, sports events and religious services.

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