Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Charlie Sykes piles on the mockery of Josh Hawley's 'made in China' insurrection coffee mug

Sarah K. Burris
February 15, 2022

Conservative Charlie Skyes piled on the mockery of Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO), who is promoting the image of him taken by Francis Chung pumping his fist in the air in solidarity with Jan. 6 attackers. The report of the mug broke Monday, but now it's being discovered that Hawley's insurrection mug isn't even American-made.

Bulwark chief Charlie Skyes put in his morning newsletter a photo from U.S. Senate candidate Rep. Billy Long (R-MO) showing the bottom of the mug.

"When I saw folks in 'Hartzler for Senate' T-Shirts that were made in the Dominican Republic frantically taking Josh Hawley's 'Made in China' stickers off his coffee mugs before Saturday breakfast I knew the jig was up," Long tweeted showing the sticker on the bottom of the mug.

Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-MO) was called out for campaign t-shirts that were made in the Dominican Republic. Hawley has endorsed her for the GOP Senate primary race.

Sen. Hawley Embraces Jan. 6 'Fist Pump' Photo, Sells Merchandise

Sen. Hawley Embraces Jan. 6 'Fist Pump' Photo, Sells Merchandise
Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., gestures toward a crowd of supporters of President Donald Trump on Jan. 6, 2021.  (Francis Chung/E&E News and Politico via AP Images)

By    |   Monday, 14 February 2022 08:48 PMComment|

The team of Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., has turned a controversial photo showing the senator fist pump protestors outside of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, into a coffee mug, a tweet from New York Times journalist Shane Goldmacher revealed.

The $20 mug, available by donating to Hawley through WinRed, is made of ceramic and features the phrase "Show-Me Strong!" in all upper-case.

"Liberals are so easily triggered, and this new mug is really whipping the left into a frenzy! Josh isn't scared – he's show-me strong! This Made in America mug is the perfect way to enjoy Coffee, Tea, or Liberal Tears!" the message accompanying the promotion reads.

The promotion then details how buying the mug will support Hawley's 2024 re-election campaign.

Although some have speculated the photo could hurt Hawley, who has been floated as a future presidential contender, the Missouri senator has embraced the photo in a clear sign of appealing to the Republican Party base, The Hill reported.

Hawley had previously defended his fist pump to protesters and challenged the idea of lumping together protestors outside of the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, to rioters who breached the building later in the day.

"That was as I was entering the House chamber the morning of the 6th," Hawley told The Washington Post Live in April of last year. "Those were demonstrators who were out there on the plaza, on the far end of the plaza ... standing behind barricades, waving American flags."

Morning Joe slams Josh Hawley for

 supporting Canadian 'insurrectionists'

after fueling Jan. 6 riot

Travis Gettys
February 15, 2022

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough and John Heilemann trashed Republican senators who have thrown their lot with Canadian insurrectionists.

A group of truckers and assorted right-wing extremists have shut down parts of Ottawa and a border crossing into the U.S. as part of their protest against vaccine mandates, and GOP senators and conservative media figures have expressed their support for the increasingly costly demonstration -- and the "Morning Joe" panelists were appalled.

"This group of truckers in Canada, which is a G7 country, huge American ally, a trillion dollars in trade across the border, their stated objective, however implausible, is to overthrow the Canadian government -- that's what they're saying," Heilemann said. "They're insurrectionists. When in the past have Republican politicians in the United States Senate stood up and declared their allegiance to an out-front declared insurrectionist group trying to throw the duly elected government of an American ally?"

"I point it out not because the guys are going to overthrow the government of Canada, but the sympathy with insurrectionists is a thing in the Republican Party," Heilemann added.

Scarborough said the right had become the things they most despised.

"The right is having its hippie moment," Scarborough said. "They are attacking institutions, they are supporting insurrections against the government, they're saying that the United States military -- they hate the military. They're saying the military is taking helicopters from Afghanistan and they're coming to America to kill Trump supporters. They're saying that the FBI, that the FBI is scurrilous and they're going to kick down doors and they're going to arrest people and drag them off for being Trump voters. They're saying all of this stuff. They are saying that nobody at any university can be trusted. I mean, why don't they just take over the president's office at Columbia University. This is a carbon-copy cutout of what we conservatives reacted against in the '60s. This is what created Ronald Reagan and now we've gone a full circle."

Scarborough singled out Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) for raising campaign funds selling mugs with the infamous image of himself holding up his fist in solidarity with the U.S. Capitol rioters.

"When you turn around to the other side does it have American flags bashing cops' brains in?" Scarborough said. "He's proud of that and proud of that day when cops got their brains bashed in by American flags. Many thought they were going to die and two committed suicide after because of the trauma and horror of that day."

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