Friday, February 04, 2022

Pro-Trump Tennessee pastor holds literal book burning of the most popular children's books

Matthew Chapman
February 04, 2022

Pastor Greg Locker -- Facebook screenshot

According to the Nashville Scene, an infamous pro-Trump pastor held a book burning this week, with his supporters throwing young adult fiction novels into the blaze.

"Mt. Juliet pastor and pro-Trump conspiracy theorist Greg Locke decided to turn it up a notch by organizing an old-fashioned book burning," reported Alejandro Ramirez. "The books included millennial staples like Harry Potter and Twilight — hits of the early Aughts that were targeted by Christian book burnings back in the day."

"In a sermon preceding the bonfire, Locke described beefing with 'Free Mason devils' and said 'I ain't gonna be 'suiciding myself' no time soon,'" continued the report. "Locke also said people aren't mad that they were burning books, but mad because of the books they were burning — implying that his critics, even other pastors, were devil and witchcraft supporters."

Locke has become infamous for waging culture war from his leadership in the Global Vision Bible Church. He forbade his supporters from wearing face masks in his church as the COVID-19 pandemic flared up, and even told a Dunkin' Donuts employee to try and make him wear a mask "I'm going to kick your teeth down your throat." He has also urged children to deliberately fail history classes because they are part of an "Islamic invasion."

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