Monday, February 21, 2022

Robot dogs that could patrol the US-Mexico border would not 'take over' due to their 
4-hour operating capacity, CEO says

Sam Tabahriti
Sun, February 20, 2022

Robot dogs could potentially patrol the US-Mexico border, capturing evidence in remote areas.

The CEO of their manufacturer, Ghost Robotics, said they would not "take over anything."

The project remains in the research and development phase, CNN reported.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has released images of robot dogs, which they are testing with the possible aim of having them patrol the US-Mexico border.

Officials have not said when the robot dogs — known as automated ground surveillance vehicles — might be deployed.

CNN reported the news on Saturday. The CNN report followed an article published earlier this month on the DHS Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate's website. The article said the machines could "potentially be a new best friend for CBP personnel in the field."

Brenda Long, S&T directorate program manager, said in the article: "The southern border can be an inhospitable place for man and beast, and that is exactly why a machine may excel there."

The CEO of Ghost Robotics, which developed the machines, told CNN that while the company is focusing on "doing the right thing" for national security, there's nothing to be afraid of.

Jiren Parikh added that "there's no way they're going to be taking over anything," because they only have a four-hour operating capacity. They also need to be remotely controlled by a human.

CNN reported that the new technology hasn't been welcomed by an umbrella group called the Southern Border Communities Coalition.

Vicki Gaubeca, the director of the group, told CNN: "This really felt like a slap in the face. There are other technologies that they're already using that we feel like they should cut back on, and yet they're adding on another type of surveillance technology that's frightening, to be honest."

Ghost Robotics did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment made outside of normal working hours.

Parikh told CNN that robot dogs on the US border aren't part of a military effort. "It's just another sensor carrier … It's really for sensing around the environment. It's not really interacting with people," he said.

Robot dogs have faced backlash previously. Another technology company, Boston Dynamics, had its $94,000 contract with the NYPD canceled over concerns about its robot dogs' role in policing.

In that case, some observers linked their use to police funding cuts and the increased militarization of policing in general.

Read the original article on Business Insider

Company behind robot-dogs headed to US-Mexico border insists they cannot malfunction

The company behind so-called “robot dogs” that will soon patrol the US border with Mexico has defended the technology from accusations of “militarisation” and resource waste.

Gino Spocchia 
The Independent

Jiren Parikh, the CEO of Ghost Robotics, said in an interview on Saturday there was “nothing to be afraid of” after images of the “robot dogs” were unveiled by the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) this month.

“We’re focused on doing the right thing,” the CEO of the Philadelphia-based company said to CNN. “We want to do the right thing for the national security and for the country.”

Although the DHS has said the “robot dogs” are still a work in progress, images of the test runs carried out by Ghost Robotics and the agency attracted concern among human rights groups earlier this month.

Democrat congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who claimed investing in robot technology for the US-Mexico border was “shameful”, also said “immigrant and Latino communities” would be offended by the investment.

“It’s shameful how both parties fight tooth and nail to defend their ability to pump endless public money into militarisation,” Ms Ocasio-Cortez tweeted of the DHS “robot dogs” on 5 February.

“From tanks in police depts to corrupt military contracts, funding this violence is bipartisan and non-controversial, yet healthcare and housing isn’t. It’s BS,” she wrote. “Immigrant and Latino communities notice this hypocrisy on immigration big time too.”

It’s shameful how both parties fight tooth + nail to defend their ability to pump endless public money into militarization.

From tanks in police depts to corrupt military contracts, funding this violence is bipartisan + non-controversial, yet healthcare + housing isn’t. It’s BS.— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) February 5, 2022

The federal agency said a in press release that the robots were “critical to our nation’s security” and would eventually work along with DHS and Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) personnel at the southern border.

Crimes cited by the DHS included drug smuggling and human smuggling, which it said was difficult to detect in more “extreme” parts of the border zone.

“The goal of the program is to leverage technology to force-multiply the CBP presence, as well as reduce human exposure to life-threatening hazards,” the agency said.

A robot dog operating alongside ATVs in the southwest US
 (Ghost Robotics via US Department of Homeland Security)

Responding to criticism and alarm, Mr Parikh continued by telling CNN: “It’s just another sensor carrier. It’s really at a distance.... It’s really for sensing around the environment. It’s not really interacting with people.”

“That’s not what it’s made for. There’s no weapons on it,” the CEO added of the militarisation claims. “It’s not being militarised for the border. It’s not stopping people, saying ‘don’t go here.’ It can’t do that. It’s a small robot.”

Vicki Gaubeca, the head of the Southern Border Communities Coalition, also reportedly said the initiative was “alarming and outrageous” as well a waste of resources.

“This really felt like a slap in the face,” said Ms Gaubeca. “There are other technologies that they’re already using that we feel like they should cut back on, and yet they’re adding on another type of surveillance technology that’s frightening, to be honest.”

She added: “This certainly seems like it’s something that’s built for something very aggressive, like the theaters of war, rather than in a community.”

Shout out to everyone who fought against community advocates who demanded these resources go to investments like school counseling instead.

Now robotic surveillance ground drones are being deployed for testing on low-income communities of color with under-resourced schools 👍🏽— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) February 25, 2021

Ghost Robotic’s CEO added that the robots were “a battery-operated computer that moves around on four legs that literally stops operating in four hours. There’s no way they’re going to be taking over anything.”

“It’s a robot that’s remotely controlled by a human in the middle,” said Mr Parikh.

Ms Ocasio-Cortez’s criticism of the DHS “robot dogs” came after the New York Police Department (NYPD) was criticised by the New York congresswoman for introducing robotic “dogs” to the city in February 2021.

“Shout out to everyone who fought against community advocates who demanded these resources go to investments like school counseling instead,” she tweeted at the time. “Now robotic surveillance ground drones are being deployed for testing on low-income communities of color with under-resourced schools.”

The NYPD’s contract with the robot supplier was axed shortly after.

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