Sunday, February 20, 2022

Swiss MP Prezioso and activist Bucher: The PKK must be removed from list of terrorist organisations

EAG parliamentarian Stefanie Prezioso and activist Flurin Bucher said that the PKK's inclusion on the EU list of terrorist organisations is a wrong and unfair decision, and drew attention to the struggle of the PKK and the Kurdish people against ISIS.

Sunday, 20 Feb 2022, 11:24

The petition launched to remove the PKK from the EU list of terrorist organisations continues in Switzerland as well as in the rest of Europe. EAG parliamentarian Stefanie Prezioso and activist Flurin Bucher, who were among the signatories of the campaign, told ANF about the importance of the campaign and why they supported it.

Radical Left Coalition EAG parliamentarian Stefanie Prezioso said that "it is a great mistake and injustice that the PKK is included in this list. The main reason for the PKK's inclusion in this list is the PKK's representation and value. I will continue to demand the removal of the PKK from the list and the freedom of Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan, against the wrong and unjust decision of these states that cannot reconcile these values and representation with their so-called criteria."

Bucher: Rojava is an example for everyone

Activist Flurin Bucher spoke of his admiration for ecology, women's liberation and direct democracy in Rojava.

He said that he has supported the Kurdish people's struggle since he became aware of its struggle for existence and the revolution in Rojava. Bucher said that there are enough arguments for the PKK to be removed from the list of terrorist organisations and added that international institutions, non-governmental organizations and political parties should also support the petition.

He said that he met the struggle of the Kurdish people in an action held in Switzerland for the Morio Refugee Camp in 2021, and added that he was amazed by the Kurdish people's struggle against the oppression of the Turkish state and the barbarism of ISIS. "The first thing that caught my attention was the Make Rojava Green Again project. In 2021, we organised a panel on the climate movements in Switzerland and the ecology model created in Rojava.

Ever since I learned that this ecology model was created by Kurdish fighters who resisted the massacre committed by ISIS in Shengal in 2014, my interest and admiration for the Kurdish people has increased. With the struggle of the Kurdish people against ISIS, the European states were able to secure their own peace and tranquillity. All these reasons are sufficient to remove the PKK from the terrorist organisations list."

‘Rojava Alliance’ declared in St. Gallen

Activists declared the ‘Rojava Alliance’ during a protest march in St. Gallen, Switzerland against the Turkish attacks on Kurdistan.

Sunday, 20 Feb 2022, 17:35

A march was staged in the Swiss city of St. Gallen on Saturday under the motto “The war begins here – Solidarity with Kurdistan” in protest at the Turkish attacks against Maxmur, Shengal and Rojava.

Activists declared the ‘Rojava Alliance’, which is made up of several groups from Switzerland, Austria and Germany. The alliance announced that their goal was to establish a cross-border network.

The voice message sent by an internationalist in Rojava was played during the demonstration where a speech in the name of Young Socialists (JUSO) pointed to the alternative model built in Rojava.

Demonstrators denounced the cooperation of European governments and companies with Turkey, recalling the latest waves of deadly attacks carried out by the Turkish state against Shengal and Maxmur in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq) and Rojava (northern Syria) that directly target civilian settlements in violation of international law.

The alliance noted that three territories in Rojava have been occupied by the Turkish state since 2017, since when atrocities, exploitation and demographic changes have been executed.

Recalling the ISIS attack on al-Sinaa prison in Heseke on 20 January, the alliance said that the Turkish state carried out simultaneous air raids on Maxmur, Shengal and Rojava after this failed attempt. According to the alliance, this was an act of “retaliation” and greatly hampered the fight against ISIS.

The alliance put emphasis on the importance of solidarity with the people and the revolution of Rojava in order to protect the achievements.

The alliance listed their demands as follows:

1- The Turkish army and allies should immediately retreat from Kurdish autonomous regions.

2- Kurdish autonomous regions should be recognized and peace negotiations that include Kurdish representatives should be conducted.

3- Economic and military cooperation with Turkey should be ceased and all kinds of arms exports should be stopped immediately.

4- The criminalization of Kurdish activists in Germany, Switzerland and Austria should be brought to an end.

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