Saturday, February 26, 2022

Russia Issues Ominous Warning to Finland, Sweden Should They Join NATO
Maria Zakharova during her speech on Friday.
 She appeared to issue a warning to Sweden and Finland over the possibility of joining 

ON 2/25/22 

Russia's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman has said that Moscow would have to respond if Sweden and Finland intended to join NATO.

Maria Zakharova held a press conference on Friday and reflected on the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the intentions of Russia going forward.

A clip of her speech has begun to go viral on social media as she appears to issue a threat aimed at Sweden and Finland, saying it would have "serious military-political repercussions." The video has amassed over 300,000 views.

"Finland and Sweden should not base their security damaging the security of other countries," Zakharova said during the press conference.

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"Clearly [the] accession of Finland and Sweden into NATO, which is first and foremost a military alliance, would have serious military-political repercussions that would demand a response from our country," she said.

This comes after Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy confirmed that the country was receiving support from both nations.

"Discussed with [Finnish President Sauli Niinistö] countering the aggressor. Informed about our defense, insidious shelling of Kyiv," he wrote in a tweet on Friday.

"Grateful to [Finland] for allocating $50 million [in] aid. It's an effective contribution to the anti-war coalition. We keep working. We need to increase sanction and [Ukraine] defense support."

He later tweeted: "Sweden provides military, technical and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine. Grateful to [Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson] for her effective support.

"Building an anti-Putin coalition together."

The Twitter pages of the Finnish president and Swedish prime minister condemned Russia after hearing the news of the invasion of Ukraine.

"I strongly condemn the military measures Russia has started in Ukraine," Niinistö wrote in a tweet on Thursday.

"Russia's acts target Ukraine, but at the same time they are an attack on the entire European security order.

"We feel deep compassion towards Ukraine and are seeking ways to increase our support to Ukraine."

On Thursday, Andersson's Twitter page issued a similar statement and highlighted the importance of other European leaders responding robustly.

"Sweden condemns in the strongest terms Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine," it said in a tweet.

"Russia's acts are also an attack on the European security order. It will be met by a united and robust response in solidarity with Ukraine. Russia alone is responsible for human suffering."

Russian President Vladimir Putin has already made an appeal to Ukrainian soldiers, less than 48 hours after invading the country.

During a televised broadcast on Friday, Putin said it would be easier to come to an agreement without a "gang of junkies and neo-Nazis." These insults were aimed at the government in Kyiv, which he claimed had taken the people of Ukraine hostage.

He elaborated on this and insisted that the Ukrainian army should not be allowed to "use your children, your wives and old people as human shields."

Russia threatens 'serious military repercussions' if Finland joins NATO

James Morris
·Freelance news writer, Yahoo UK
Fri, 25 February 2022

Vladimir Putin's Russia today warned of 'serious military and political repercussions' if Finland joins NATO. (AFP via Getty Images)

Russia has warned of "serious military and political repercussions" if Finland joins Nato amid the Ukraine crisis.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said the country's accession to Nato, the military alliance currently made up of 28 European countries plus the US and Canada, could "have detrimental consequences".

Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine this week, Finnish prime minister Sanna Marin said the debate surrounding Finland's membership of NATO "will change".

Asked about this on Friday, Zakharova began with a veiled warning.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova warned of 'detrimental military consequences' if Finland joins NATO. (Reuters)

In translated remarks at a press conference, she said: "The Finnish government's policy of military non-alliance is an important factor in ensuring security and stability in northern Europe.

"At the same time, we cannot help but note the targeted efforts of Nato and other members of this alliance to involve Finland as well as Sweden [a fellow non-member] in this alliance."

She said "the intensity of practical interaction between Helsinki and Stockholm with Nato" is "nothing new"

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She claimed "they have conducted NAato's military exercises - these countries have provided territory for such manoeuvres of this military alliance.

"We have seen this policy over a number of years... and Finland and Sweden should not base their security on damaging security of other countries. Their accession to Nato can have detrimental consequences... and face military and political consequences."

Sanna Marin said the debate surrounding Finland's NATO membership has changed following Russia's invasion of Ukraine. (Getty Images)

A follow-up tweet from the Russian Foreign Ministry read: "Finland’s accession to Nato would have serious military and political repercussions."

Prime minister Marin previously said last month it is "very unlikely" Finland - which borders Russia - would apply for a Nato membership during her current term of office.

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"All in all, I believe the Nato discussion will increase in the coming years," she had told Reuters.

On Thursday, Nato secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg said that he "values the close partnership" with Finland and Sweden even if they are not members.

"This is a question of self-determination and the sovereign right to choose your own path and then potentially in the future, also to apply for Nato membership."

Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has seen Kyiv hit by air strikes, with fighting closing in on the capital.

Families were forced to hide in bomb shelters and subway stations as troops continued their assault in a bid to seize the city.

Tens of thousands of people have fled Ukraine's major cities to try and escape the fighting, with the UN warning on Friday that millions could be displaced.

Armed forces minister James Heappey told MPs that 194 Ukrainians, including 57 civilians, are confirmed to have died.

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