Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Cross-country skier suffered frozen penis during race at Winter Olympics

Updated: Feb. 22, 2022
By Brian Linder |

Ever been so cold outside that you told someone, perhaps with colorful language, that you were freezing a body part off out there?

Well, according to multiple reports, it was so cold at the Beijing Olympics Sunday that Finnish cross-country skier Remi Lindholm’s penis froze.

Not off, thankfully. But it froze. This really happened folks.

It doesn’t sound very pleasant.

According to reports, the start to Sunday’s 50-kilometer race in Zhangilakou was delayed do to “extremely cold temperatures.” And, per reports, it was cut down from 50 kilometers to 20 kilometers because of the temperature.

That didn’t stop the 24-year-old’s penis from freezing up, though.

“It was one of the worst competitions I’ve been in,” he reportedly said. “It was just about battling through.”

Per reports, Lindholm’s suit did little to fend off the frigid weather so he had to turn to heat packs to try to save what he probably considers a very important body part. Reportedly, the same thing happened to him last year in an event in Finland.

And you thought boxing was brutal.

Lindholm finished 28th in the event. He is tough. Most fellas would’ve quit and walked off before things fully froze up down there. And, the thawing didn’t sound like it was any fun, either.

“When the body parts started to warm up after the finish, the pain was unbearable,” he said.

Men everywhere are more than willing just to take his word for it.

Also, good thing this race didn’t go the full 50 or we might have had a far worse tale to tell here.

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