Sunday, February 06, 2022

‘ A starving mob has no respect’.

 Urban markets and food riots in the Roman world, 100 BC - AD 400

19 Pages
Mobs, Riots, and Revolutionary Crowds                                                                                                                                             

Bakers and the Baking Trade in the Roman Empire: Social and Political Responses from the Principate to Late Antiquity

53 Pages
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A baker’s funerary relief from Rome

     Published 2009
539 ViewsPaperRank: 4.824 Pages
This article presents a previously unpublished Roman travertine relief showing scenes of breadmaking, currently in the restaurant Romolo in Trastevere in Rome. It presumably came originally from a tomb monument, possibly in the vicinity, and might be dated on grounds of material and style anywhere between the very late Republic and the Flavian period. From left to right it shows two men delivering of sacks of grain, a man loading grain into an animal-driven mill, three men keading dough by hand, three more shaping loaves, and one putting loaves into the oven. The article discusses parallels in other reliefs of bakery scenes, and highlights the importance of this one for the evidence that it provides for the extent of division of labour in a fairly large-scale bakery. Despite points of comparison with other better-known bakery scenes, notably that from the tomb of Eurysaces, the narrative sequence is clearer and not directly paralleled, and the relief is the only one to show the manual kneading of dough. 


The First Fruits of God's Creatures: Bread, Eucharist, and the Ancient Economy

2019, Full of Your Glory
260 ViewsPaperRank: 2.023 Pages
Publication Name: Full of Your Glory                                                                                                                                                                          

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