Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Tuesday's letters: Conservatives wrong to back protesters

Edmonton Journal
 - Yesterday

The Conservative Party of Canada has failed spectacularly to provide an efficient Opposition government. That role is to hold a governing party accountable, not fight and point fingers on every single item in order to win some imaginary argument. The most recent interim leader has displayed only an ability to accuse and rant and appears unable to answer legitimate questions. And we all know how inefficient our own Alberta premier has shown himself. We know and his party knows.

The so-called Freedom Convoy has held all Canadians, particularly those in our nation’s capital, hostage by their occupation and their ongoing disruptions to businesses and homes around the country. The CPC has decided to back these criminals and mistakenly considers them equal to those millions of Canadians who have lived lives according to the law. We have mostly all tried to do our best through this pandemic. It has been a learning curve for the medical fields, for the governments around the world, and for each one of us with our own families.

Remember who the CPC is backing and their inability to efficiently take care of government business when you are next voting.

Suzanne Ulvstal, Sherwood Park

Invoking Emergencies Act is justified

The threat from extremists on the right is real. It is not a debate about public health measures or government mandate. That is a cover for racists Tinfoil-hatted fools are pawns for serious anti-democratic elements, an imported coalition of dangerous uncivil anarchists. They shout “freedom” but have no idea how a civilized society ensures it democratically.

As a long-time supporter of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, I have written to ask them to moderate their concerns about the Emergency Act. I was on the board when we opposed the use of the War Measures Act in 1970. I think we were right then. There were many abuses of those powers. The WMA was a real threat to our democracy.

But the current Emergency Act is much less draconian and Parliament has lots of leverage to control its application. My advice to CCLA is to keep a critical eye on events but acknowledge that this is not a civil demonstration but a cover for an attack on our democracy and a danger to our civil rights.

Government can target the miscreants. Most middle-of-the-road and moderate Canadians support a crackdown on the scofflaws. Most Canadians still prefer peace, order and good government to the bullying of the mob.

Bruce Rogers, Edmonton

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