Sunday, February 06, 2022

Ukraine and Canada agree closer nuclear cooperation

04 February 2022

The Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries (OCNI)  and Energoatom have agreed a cooperation deal covering nuclear energy and related technologies.

Ukraine's nuclear plans include a first AP1000 project at Khmelnitsky nuclear power plant (Image: Energoatom)

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed by OCNI president Ron Oberth and Energoatom’s acting president, Petro Kotin, at a virtual signing ceremony in Canada and Ukraine.

Areas it covers include supporting cooperation opportunities associated with deployment of Canadian large-scale and small modular reactor technologies in Ukraine, nuclear decommissioning, medical isotopes and hydrogen production with nuclear electricity.

It also aims to encourage cooperation between academics and researchers in the two countries.

In a statement issued after the signing Oberth said: "OCNI looks forward to working closely with colleagues in Ukraine on projects that support global initiatives to achieve net zero by 2050 and improve the health of people around the world."

Kotin said: "Energoatom is pleased to establish partnership relations with OCNI, which opens new opportunities for our engagement with Canadian companies on the most promising areas in the nuclear energy field associated with ensuring reliable nuclear generation, nuclear research and development, innovation and care for the environment and people."

OCNI is an association of 240 Canadian suppliers to the nuclear industry. The Ukraine state enterprise Energoatom operates four nuclear power plants with 15 power units.

Researched and written by World Nuclear News

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