Monday, February 14, 2022

US has a habit of deceiving foes and friends – and Lebanon is No Exception!

February 13, 2022 -  Source : Al Ahed NewsLink:

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA)

: Beirut – Lebanon continues to suffer from US sanctions and siege.

When Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah announced the commencement of importing fuel supplies from Iran to break the sinister American plots against Lebanon, the US ambassador to Lebanon Dorothy Shea who was saddened rather shocked by Sayyed Nasrallah’s announcement, rushed hastily to announce that her government would allow Lebanon to receive the gas from Egypt and Jordan via Syria to maintain electricity supplies to the down trodden country.

Months have passed since this American announcement but nothing has materialized and the US ambassador’s promises have not been delivered. Washington did not bother to clarify its position.

The US has never been at any time a friend to Lebanon, and it can never be. As long as it totally sides with Lebanon’s first and only enemy, “Israel”. Washington has always supported the Zionist enemy with military aid and sophisticated heavy equipment. It has always given the green light for all the invasions, incursions and even to the occupation of Lebanon. Moreover, Washington offered our enemy “Israel” the political cover by sabotaging any international attempt to condemn it by the international community by using the veto power at the Security Council. This puts Washington in the position of a complete partner and accomplice with “Israel”.

No Lebanese can be fooled anymore by Washington, except if he or she wants to!

So, why did Washington make those promises and why it is breaking them!

The answer is a very simple and easy one.

The US ambassador was at a hurry to announce anything to devaluate Hezbollah’s achievement of bringing the Iranian fuel. This is normal in the American standards, as it meets directly with their fixed policy to distort Hezbollah’s image. This is not a secret policy and they have spent hundreds of millions of dollars to make it come true according to their former ambassador to Lebanon Jeffrey Feltman.

Another equally or even more important issue has to do with the maritime dispute between Lebanon and the enemy entity “Israel”.

Washington wants Lebanon to accept its proposals about the distribution of the oil and gas present in the disputed area. It is exercising its pressure and using the policy of procrastination and blackmail.

The enemy has an open greedy appetite to steal our natural resources of every kind.

Washington has used every method possible to pressure Lebanon so it can surrender to its proposals; the US blackmail and dictations want simply to give the larger proportion of gas and oil present in the disputed maritime area to “Israel”.

Washington is notorious for deceiving and betraying its enemies and friends. Lebanon is no exception to the US.

The question now is where are the US friends and why did they swallow their tongues.

It is again a lesson to be learned by the Lebanese, friends and enemies alike; will they do!

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