Monday, February 21, 2022

'60 Minutes' Releases Eerie 'Havana Syndrome' Audio After White House Incidents

Ed Mazza
Sun, February 20, 2022

New audio posted by “60 Minutes” on Sunday reveals what the noise linked to “Havana Syndrome” sounds like to those who claim to have experienced the mysterious condition.

Those who’ve suffered say it began after hearing this sound.

However, “60 Minutes” said listening to the audio, recorded by an unnamed former official, will not lead to any of the problems associated with the syndrome as the sound is a “byproduct” and not the cause.

Speaker alert: You might want to turn down the volume before playing this:

While most of the incidents linked to the condition happened overseas, the CBS News show reported several cases around Washington, D.C. ― including some on White House grounds.

“It was like this piercing feeling on the side of my head, it was like, I remember it was on the right side of my head and I got vertigo,” Olivia Troye, a homeland security and counterterrorism adviser to then-Vice President Mike Pence, told “60 Minutes.”

She said she felt it in 2019 on a staircase in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, which is part of the White House campus, as well as three times on the nearby Ellipse.

“I was unsteady, I was, I felt nauseous, I was somewhat disoriented, and I remember thinking, ‘OK you’ve got to ― don’t fall down the stairs. You’ve got to find your ground again and steady yourself,’” she said.

Hundreds of U.S. officials have said they’ve suffered from a range of unexplained issues including headaches and nausea after hearing unusual sounds, with the first known cases traced to staff at the U.S. Embassy in Cuba in 2016, giving the condition its name.

The CIA last year said most cases did not appear to be caused by a foreign power, but investigations continue.

So far, no firm explanation has emerged but theories include a weapon using energy, such as microwaves. Others have speculated at a psychological origin, including mass psychogenic illness, more popularly known as “mass hysteria.”

While the Trump administration handled the condition with skepticism, President Joe Biden last year signed legislation to ensure care and compensation to victims.

Read the full “60 Minutes” report here.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.

Sufferer reveals recording of mysterious sound behind ‘Havana Syndrome’

Sufferer reveals recording of mysterious sound behind ‘Havana Syndrome’

Sravasti Dasgupta
Sun, February 20, 2022

An audio recording claims to reveal the sound associated with Havana Syndrome, the mysterious illness that has struck US bureaucrats, troops and intelligence officers in recent years.

On Sunday, 60 Minutes revealed audio recorded by a former US official who had heard the noise at his home in Cuba’s Havana.

The sound does not cause harm as it is a byproduct and not the sound itself.

Describing the sound to 60 Minutes, the former US official, who did not want to be named, described it as: “this just loud sound just absolutely filled my room.”

Since 2016, around 200 American personnel have been struck with symptoms that vary from headaches, to ringing in the ears, as well as loss of hearing, memory, and balance. Some victims have even suffered long-term brain damage.

A study commissioned by the State Department said the most likely source is a pulse of radio frequency energy “directed” at US targets.

Officials said that these incidents have not only occurred in far-flung embassies, but two cases have also been found near the White House.

Another former homeland security and counter-terrorism advisor to former vice president Mike Pence, Olivia Troye said to 60 Minutes that she had experienced symptoms in the White House.

Ms Troye said in 2019 she was descending the stairs in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building beside the West Wing when she heard a piercing sound.

“But it was like this piercing feeling on the side of my head, it was like, I remember it was on the right side of my head and I got like, vertigo,” she said.

“I was unsteady, I was, I felt nauseous, I was somewhat disoriented, and I was just, I remember thinking, ‘OK you gotta---don’t fall down the stairs. You’ve gotta find your ground again and steady yourself’.”

“It was almost like I couldn’t really process. It was like a paralysing panic attack. I’ve never had that. I’ve never felt anything like that.”

“And so I-- you know, I-- I thought to myself, ‘I mean, do I have a brain tumour out of the blue? Is this what happens? Am I having a stroke?’”

Former Homeland Security chief of staff Miles Taylor said to 60 Minutes that he believed he was targeted in two mysterious incidents at his Washington home.

“Someone is trying to send us a message that they can strike blows against us and we can’t strike back,” he said.

“That line being crossed into the United States takes this in some ways just shy of the realm of warfare.”

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