Sunday, March 27, 2022


 'Putin is small and pale, so cold as to be almost reptilian.'

In the piece published in the New York Times on February 23, the day before Putin ordered the invasion of Ukraine, Albright recalled her first impressions of the new Russian leader after meeting him in 2000.

He had just taken over from Boris Yeltsin as Russia's leader, and was acting president. At the time, Albright was President Bill Clinton's secretary of state.

"Sitting across a small table from him in the Kremlin, I was immediately struck by the contrast between Mr. Putin and his bombastic predecessor, Boris Yeltsin," recalled Albright.

"Flying home, I recorded my impressions. 'Putin is small and pale,' I wrote, 'so cold as to be almost reptilian.'"

Her notes also included the line that "Putin is embarrassed by what happened to his country and determined to restore its greatness," appearing to foreshadow the invasion of Ukraine.

Madeleine Albright in her final op-ed described Putin as 'small and pale' and 'almost reptilian' (


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