Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Anti-abortion conservative admits to paying for abortion decades ago: 'It was wrong when I did it'

Travis Gettys
March 23, 2022

Mark Robinson's delivering a speech. (Screenshot/

A hardline anti-abortion conservative has admitted that he once paid for the mother of his "unborn child" to have an abortion.

North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson made the admission in a 2012 Facebook comment that has resurfaced as he readies an expected gubernatorial run after he was elected last year as the highest-ranking state Republican in executive office on a "pro-life" platform, reported WRAL-TV.

“I'm not saying abortion is wrong cause I said so it's wrong cause God says so,” Robinson posted in a comment linked to his personal Facebook page. “It's wrong when others do it and it was wrong when I paid for it to be done to my unborn child in 1989.”

Robinson referred to abortion as "murder" at a January 2021 anti-abortion rally and has made repeated statements opposing a woman's right to choose throughout his political career.

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“Once you make a baby, it’s not your body anymore — it’s y’all’s body," Robinson said at the North Carolina Republican convention in June 2021. And, yes, that includes the daddy,”

Robinson did not respond to requests for comment by Wednesday morning, and the state GOP declined to comment.

"As it is a personal matter, NCGOP will not be commenting," said North Carolina GOP spokesman Jeff Moore. "We will defer to Lt. Gov. Robinson."

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