Thursday, March 17, 2022

Death toll from Cyclone Gombe in Mozambique rises to 53

More than 400,000 people affected, infrastructure destroyed, official data shows

News Service  March 17, 2022

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The death toll from Tropical Cyclone Gombe in Mozambique’s northern Nampula province has risen to 53, authorities said Thursday.

Cyclone Gombe, which also hit Madagascar, the world's second-largest island country in the Indian Ocean, and Malawi, a landlocked country in southeastern Africa, last week, made landfall in Mozambique last Friday, with winds exceeding 200 kilometers (125 miles) per hour.

The deaths recorded in the Nampula province were caused by collapsed houses and other damaged infrastructure, Mety Gondola, a senior provincial official, told reporters.

"At least 31 deaths were confirmed at the Lunga administrative post alone in the Mossuril district," he said, adding that "other deaths were recorded across other affected areas."

"Lunga is still cut off from the rest of the province due to the destruction of access roads. But local authorities are working to determine the final number of casualties," he added.

Officials believe that the death toll could be higher in the hardest-hit districts of Mogincual, Mozambique Island, Monapo, and Mossuril, as damage assessments continue.

At least 400,175 people were affected, corresponding to 77,279 families, and 74,952 houses were partially or totally damaged, according to data provided by Mozambique's National Institute for Disaster Risk Management and Reduction.

Bridges, water installations, 41 health units, 2,714 power stations, and 691 classrooms across 301 schools were also destroyed, affecting 75,607 students.

Meanwhile, the cyclone made its way to Malawi, killing five people, according to Malawi's Department of Disaster Management Affairs.

Four of the victims were from the Machinga district, and the fifth was a 28-year-old man from the Mangochi district who was reportedly washed away by a raging river.

The cyclone unleashed heavy rains on the country, causing floods and destroying several infrastructures.

Earlier last week before moving to Mozambique, the cyclone struck north of Madagascar, leaving two people dead and 935 affected.

InDeath toll from Cyclone Gombe in Mozambique rises to 53

More than 400,000 people affected, infrastructure destroyed, official data shows

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