Thursday, March 17, 2022


Hackers reveal Mossad cheif's personal information, videos

TEHRAN, Mar. 17 (MNA) – Personal photos, videos, and documents belonging to Mossad chief David Barnea and his wife have been hacked and published on an anonymous Telegram channel, grabbing media attention.

An anonymous Telegram channel published a video on Wednesday that included personal photos and documents seemingly belonging to Mossad chief David Barnea, a Zionist media reported.

The video published on the “Open Hands” channel — which was created on Tuesday — alleged the information it had obtained was from a lengthy intelligence operation conducted against Barnea, which began in 2014.

“We’ve got a small gift for the Mossad; ‘With LOVE for David’. Happy Purim,” a post on the channel read, referring to the Jewish holiday that begins Wednesday night.

The video — with translations in English, Hebrew, and Arabic — showed several personal photos, flight tickets under Barnea’s name, his ID card, tax documents addressed to his wife, and satellite imagery of what it claimed to be his private home in the central city of Hod Hasharon in Occupied Lands of Palestine.

A clip of Barnea making silly faces, apparently during a private video chat, is also seen in the video.


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