Monday, March 14, 2022

International Campaign to Lift Siege on Yemen Launched

Siege and starvation are weapons used by America, Saudi Arabia, the Emirates and the United Nations against the children and women of Yemen. We must end the siege. | Photo: Twitter @jalal_mansor

Published 14 March 2022

Yemen is living under tragic humanitarian conditions at all levels due to the arbitrary siege imposed on the country by the Saudi-led coalition.

Activists, human rights activists, and media professionals around the world launched a wide international campaign on social media demanding ending the siege on Yemen, the country plunged into the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. Many activists interacted with the campaign on Twitter under the hashtag #EndTheSiegeOnYemen.

UNICEF: 10 200 Children Killed or Injured by Saudi War in Yemen

The campaign was launched under the title "End the Siege on Yemen" with the aim of shedding light on the forgotten suffering of the Yemeni people as a result of the blockade imposed by the Saudi-led coalition on the country and mobilizing efforts to end it right now.

Yemen is living under tragic humanitarian conditions at all levels due to the arbitrary siege imposed on the country by the Saudi-led coalition.

On his part, Member of the Supreme Political Council in Yemen Muhammad Ali Al-Houthi, tweeted, "In the name of the oppressed Yemeni people, we extend our great thanks to the activists from the Arab brethren and friends in the world who launched a campaign to end the unjust siege on Yemen, and we call on our people to interact with it on various social media platforms under the hashtag #EndTheSiegeOnYemen," both in Arabic and English.

Moreover, the Minister of Information in the Sanaa government, Daifallah Al-Shami expressed his "thanks, appreciation, and gratitude to the free voices from all over the world who feel the suffering of our Yemeni people who will not forget these sincere stances and will reciprocate loyalty.

Earlier today, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) highlighted that Yemeni children are the “first and most to suffer” from the war on Yemen. UNICEF reported that at least 10,000 minors were killed or injured and 400,000 were malnourished since the Saudi-led coalition launched its aggression against Yemen in 2015.

Philippe Duamelle, the UNICEF representative to Yemen, pointed out that “just over the first two months of this year, 47 children were reportedly killed or maimed in several locations" across the country. In total, "the UN verified that more than 10,200 children have been killed or injured" since the beginning of the war on Yemen, Duamelle indicated.

He confirmed that "the actual number is likely much higher.”

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