Saturday, March 05, 2022

Putin warned that Ukraine will be 'blamed' for losing its statehood if its leaders 'continue doing what they are doing'
Russian President Vladimir Putin gestures as he speaks during a video emergency meeting of the Council of the CSTO focused on the situation in Kazakhstan on January 10, 2022.
 Alexey Nikolsky/Getty Images

Putin said Ukraine could lose its statehood if its leaders "continue doing what they are doing," per the NYT.

"If that happens ... they will have to be blamed for that," he said on Saturday in Moscow.
Putin also rejected Ukraine's calls for a no-fly zone, saying such a move would be "catastrophic."

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday called sanctions imposed on his country "akin to a declaration of war" and warned that Ukraine could lose its statehood if its leaders "continue doing what they are doing," according to The New York Times.

Putin, increasingly isolated from the West as he continues his military advance throughout Ukraine, rejected the country's resistance against his escalating invasion.

"The current leadership needs to understand that if they continue doing what they are doing, they risk the future of Ukrainian statehood," Putin said during a meeting in Moscow. "If that happens ... they will have to be blamed for that."

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has remained defiant in the face of Russia's attacks, rejecting offers to leave the country as he guides his citizenry through the conflict.

"Our military, our national guard, our national police, our territory defense, special service, nationals of Ukraine, please carry on. We will win. Glory to Ukraine," Zelensky steadfastly exclaimed during a speech last week.

The New York Times reported on Saturday that allied governments have held talks regarding the line of succession should Zelensky be captured or murdered by Russian forces, as a way to ensure that there is some semblance of independent Ukrainian governance in the event that Putin installs a puppet leader.

Putin on Saturday also excoriated the economic sanctions placed on Russia by Western countries, calling the penalties "akin to a declaration of war," as the country's ruble has tanked in recent days and its economy has begun to stumble.

The Russian leader then said that his country's ultimate desires had been made clear to Ukrainian leadership.

"Our proposals are on the table with the group of negotiators from Kyiv," he said. "Hopefully, they will respond positively to that."

Putin then said that he all faith in the Russian military forces that have invaded Ukraine.

"Our army will solve all tasks — I don't doubt it for a second," he said. "This is confirmed by how the operation is ongoing. Everything is being done according to a plan, as the General Staff planned it."

Putin also rejected Ukrainian calls for a no-fly zone, which he said would be a "catastrophic" move.

"Warehouses with weapons and ammunition, aviation, air defense systems — it takes time to destroy air defense systems," he said. "This work is practically done — that's why there are demands to impose a no-fly zone. The realization of that demand would bring catastrophic results not only to Europe, but to the whole world."

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) leaders have been reluctant to heed Ukrainian wishes for a no-fly zone in an attempt to avoid a larger war.

Last week, White House press secretary Jen Psaki tamped down requests for a no-fly zone.

"That is definitely escalatory, that would potentially put us in a place where we are in a military conflict with Russia. That is not something [President Joe Biden] wants to do," Psaki said. "Those are all the reasons why that's not a good idea."

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