Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Deputy Minister Yair Golan: The right and Netanyahu are responsible for terrorism

Deputy Economy Minister blames former Prime Minister Netanyahu and right-wing parties for Bedouin terrorism in the Negev.

Dalit Halevi
Yair Golan Noam Moskowitz, Knesset spokesperson

Deputy Economy Minister Yair Golan (Meretz) on Tuesday blamed the right-wing parties for the Bedouin terrorism in the Negev region.

Responding to the attack in Be'er Sheva in which four Israelis were murdered by a Bedouin affiliated with ISIS, Golan wrote on Twitter, "Always remember that every right-winger who talks about 'governance in the Negev' was responsible for the Negev for more than 12 years. Violence, poverty, terrorism and crime in the Negev are the work of Netanyahu and the right."

The Ra’am party, which represents, among others, the Bedouin in the Negev, issued a statement condemning the Be’er Sheva attack.

Knesset members from the party, including Waleed Taha, wrote on their Facebook accounts, "Ra’am condemns the criminal attack in Be'er Sheva, and sends its condolences to the families of the murdered and wishes a complete recovery to the wounded."

"The Arab citizens of the state are law-abiding and condemn any element that uses violence against other citizens. Ra’am calls on all citizens to maintain the common and delicate fabric of life, to take responsibility and promote tolerant dialogue at this difficult time," said the Ra’am MKs.

The chairman of the predominantly Arab Joint List, Ayman Odeh, also condemned the attack, saying, "I was shocked to read about the murderous incident in Be'er Sheva. Violence is not our way and we must condemn it with all our might. My heart goes out to the families of those killed at this difficult time, and I send my best wishes to the wounded."

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