Tuesday, March 22, 2022

KCK’s Bayık sends message to Qandil Newroz: No power can stop this spirit

In a video message to the Newroz celebration in Qandil, KCK Executive Council Co-Chair Cemil Bayık said, “No power can stop this spirit, for it is the spirit of freedom, unity and resistance.”

Monday, 21 Mar 2022,

The Newroz celebration in Qandil is continuing enthusiastically. The celebration area is decorated with PKK, KCK and PAJK flags as well as posters of Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan. People from four parts of Kurdistan have come to the celebration, and artists from four parts of Kurdistan take stage during the events.

More than 20 books written by Abdullah Öcalan are exhibited in the area. People showed great interest in the book “My whole life was a struggle” written by Sakine Cansız, one of the founders of the PKK, who was murdered in Paris in 2013. The book was translated into the Sorani dialect by Aram Pencewini.

A video message from KCK (Kurdistan Communities Union) Executive Council Co-chair Cemil Bayık was screened, and the messages of the Communities of Women from Kurdistan (KJK) and the Azadi Movement were read out.


Bayık remarked that Abdullah Öcalan and the PKK based their struggle for freedom on the spirit of Newroz. “No power can stop this spirit, for it is the spirit of freedom, unity and resistance,” he said.

Bayık emphasized that the PKK is a symbol of unity and resistance and that it represents the entire Kurdish people. “Qandil is also a fortress of resistance for the Kurds. The Kurdish people should know the reality of Newroz very well. Newroz is the development of unity and resistance,” he said.

The KCK executive recalled that guerrilla forces mounted an outstanding resistance and paid a heavy price last year. “The Turkish state's plans were frustrated thanks to the prices paid. Our fighters carried out heroic deeds in Garê, Werxelê, Mam Reşo, Zendura and Girê Sor.”

Bayık stressed that these fighters are not only the martyrs of the PKK and North Kurdistan, but also the entire Kurdish people and Kurdistan. “They were martyred for the peoples and humanity. Martyrs of the Kurdish people are the martyrs of humanity.”


Bayık said that the Turkish state receives support from South Kurdistan’s ruling party, Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) in its invasion and genocidal attacks across the region.

“The KDP serves the Turkish state in every way. We asked the KDP to join the national unity, but unfortunately, it is now at the service of the invading Turkish state and enemies of the Kurdish people.”

Insisting that the Turkish state wants to defeat the PKK and the Kurdish people, Bayık called on the Kurdish people to stand up against betrayal, to protect themselves and to strengthen their struggle for freedom.

“The KDP poses a major threat to the Kurdish people and South Kurdistan with its collaboration with the enemy,” he warned.

Bayık also drew attention to the isolation imposed on Kurdish leader Öcalan in prison. “He is currently being held hostage in İmralı. The Kurdish people cannot accept the isolation and torture in Imrali because the freedom of Öcalan is the freedom of the Kurdish people.”

Bayık stated that the Kurdish people should stand up against the occupation and the oppression of the Turkish state, and that the KDP should end its cooperation with the Turkish army. “If this is not prevented, it will be a major threat to the Kurdish people,” he said.


The KJK said in its message to the Qandil Newroz that “it is time for free women and free society.”

“The 50th Newroz celebration of the people's freedom struggle has revoked the Lausanne Treaty and defeated the line of betrayal and fascism,” the KJK said.

“Despite all the attacks, massacres and conspiracies, the Kurdish people are standing and struggling in the spirit of Newroz resistance,” KJK said and noted that the Kurds are leading this struggle not only for themselves, but also for all supporters of freedom in the entire world.

“This place is not only Qandil, but also Amed, Qamishlo and Mahabad,” the Azadi Movement said in its message.

The Azadi Movement emphasized that the freedom struggle would be strengthened everywhere.

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